NOV. 8 THRU NOV. 14th, 2019, ETC, IN KEY WEST WITH LYNDA! FRIDAY HAPPY NOV. 8 BIRTHDAY TO…FRANCIE McKENZIE…. NICK DOLL … LANCE MORRIS …. KIMMEE NAPIER … DEAR READERS… I keep hearing from my ‘up north’ friends who are telling me about their awful weather…snow storms, frigid temperatures and icy roads… Winters there can be brutal and they seem to go on an on and on! We are so blessed to be here in Key West… the only frost free city in the USA!!! Of course we will have some cooler temps….and then it is such a hoot to see everyone here running around with scarves, boots, and even gloves!….and it’s 60!!! Happy Autumn everyone!!! NEW RESTAURANT…. There’s a great new place to dine and we tried it out last night and thoroughly enjoyed it!!!! The name of it is called Lola’s… and it is at 728 Simonton St. where Off the Hook used to be. Greeted warmly by the darling Dylan … we were seated at a lovely table…white tablecloths and napkins… Only a few tables were filled at 6:30 pm….. but by 7:15 it was filled…. The appetizer and entree selections were given verbally and one sounded better than the other. We ordered the Sea Scallops and Artichokes for apps and the Sea Bass and Lamb chops for the entrees…. all Delicious!!! The place looked much bigger than in prior lifetimes… the bar is gone so there is a much more clean and open look about it. At this point it is BYOB and only cash and check are accepted. I would suggest reservations as many walked in and were turned away as the restaurant filled up. It is amazing how quickly the Coconut Telegraph lets people know about new spots in town. I want to thank Wendy Fisher and John Nolte for letting us know about it! Bravo to the super new Chef!!!! He knows what he is doing in the kitchen…. and by the way, his Tiramasu was also yummy!!!! LURA GORMAN….. If you have been in Key West as long as we have (22 years…) you may remember Lura who was a part owner of LaTeDa along with Mark Barack. She was a special gal, an author, and a businesswoman, and she always greeted everyone graciously when they arrived at The Da. Sadly, she passed away on Monday, Nov. 5 from complications following a major stroke. She was living in Wellington, FL with her daughter, Hilary Dolbeare. Please keep Lura and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Another daughter, Lisa, said that there will be a gathering of Lura’s friends at Lateda sometime after the holidays. BUCKY MONGOMERY UPDATE……. By now, many of you have heard about the circumstances surrounding beloved Key Wester, Duke Bucky Montgomery. On the very early morning hours of Oct. 13, Bucky was found unconscious in front of the pizza house on Fleming St. He is in the Kendall Regional Trauma Center in Miami….he has multiple brain bleeds, fractured skull and jaw…and the bones surrounding his ear were shattered and pushed into his ear canal. Because of the severity of this, he is still not able to communicate rationally about what happened…. only his head and brain have been compromised. I spoke with Destiny Montgomery, Bucky’s caring and loving daughter, who travels back and forth to Miami to be with him… Bucky is still not coherent….he stares vacantly into space….though, he is much calmer, and that is a good thing. At first he was very angry, yelling and carrying on, not understanding what had happened to him. The family is hoping that he will be able to be transferred to a Behavior Rehab, and in time, and with therapy and healing, Bucky’s memory will return and he will comprehend everything that has befallen him. It is frustrating not to know how this happened and how Bucky can’t express himself…. but that is the challenge he faces with such a major brain injury. Right now it is day to day… I urge you to please keep Bucky and his family in your thoughts and prayers. There was a well turned out fundraiser for him at The Gardens Hotel … and others are on the way. Money to defray expanding costs needs to be raised, If you can help, please call or text Destiny at 502-767-4742. Destiny is particularly dear to my heart. She performed for Aqua Idol for the Waterfront Playhouse twice and raised much money for our theater. She has since become Fantasy Fest Queen, and continues to work tirelessly for all Causes in Key West…note that her father, Bucky, also helps our community in many ways. I thank you for your support of the Montgomerys …. THE COCONUT VICTROLA…. Just by chance we happened to stroll by Hanks’s on Caroline St. (formerly Grunts)… and heard some great sounds. We also recognized some of the folks making those sounds……so we took a seat and sat and listened to this dynamite group called The Coconut Victrola. Those in the group we knew were the fab Kenny Fradley on the trumpet…. Megan Clay at the keyboard (and vocals) and the sensational Belle Jampol, who wowed everyone there with her singing, dancing, and movement on stage! The other three in this group are Jerrod Isaman, T-Bone ‘Tyler’ McHone and Adam Constantine….all greatly talented! Check the remainder of this blog for their performance schedules. MAKE A NOTE…. If you have received this and do not want to subscribe …or, if you may have inadvertently been added to this and you may not want it… I respect that, and you now have an opportunity to opt off and unsubscribe.. ….Simply scroll down to the bottom and hit unsubscribe….. NO hard feelings. Anyway…. Hope you will continue to read and enjoy this chock full of Key West Information Newsletter!!! Let me know what you think…Love, Lynda *******PLEASE BECOME A MEMBER OF THE WATERFRONT PLAYHOUSE…. As a proud Board Member of the Waterfront Playhouse for 13 years, I am hoping that you will take the time to read the following. Theaters aren’t able to rely on Ticket Sales alone to keep them going…that is only a tiny part of it. In order to continue to present the kind of quality theater you have come to expect from us, we need YOU to help! If you are already a MEMBER of the Waterfront Playhouse Family, I ask that you consider deepening your commitment financially by becoming a member at a higher level than you had before. Each level provides special perks and privileges…. BUT, the important thing is to look at it as not so much as ‘what you can get out of your membership’ but what you are giving and doing to provide Key West with the BEST Theater experience possible! If you have Never been a Member of the Waterfront Playhouse before…. I hope you will realize that we NEED YOUR HELP and support more than ever!…now right NOW! You can go online to or call 305-294-5015 to order your membership….and you can see the Breakdown of what each Level of Membership provides. You will be helping us beyond words! KEY WEST DINING SPECIALS!!!! TAVERN N TOWN…. Be seated by 6:30 pm and enjoy all entrees at $19.95. Daily happy hour drink prices are 2 for 1 till 7 pm…. T n T always caters to the Locals! Delish food, great music, lovely spot… CAFE SOLE…..They are offering a 50% discount on all food all night long. BOB FRECHETTE’S BIRTHDAY IS ON NOV. 13… SCROLL DOWN TO FIND OUT WHERE HE MAY BE ON HIS SPECIAL DAY!!!! ****2020 AQUA IDOL FOR THE WATERFRONT PLAYHOUSE….NOTE NEW CHANGE!!! All you great Aqua Idol WP Fans…. Hear ye.. Hear ye!!!! Looks like I will be producing this Event again … at least in 2020…. but there will be a major change! Mark your calendars…. for years we have presented it on Tuesdays…. but not this coming season. It will be held on Wednesdays instead…. for many really good reasons! It has already been approved by Aqua Nightclub… another possible change will be the time…. not definite yet, but it may start at 6 pm instead of 6:30. The first Waterfront Playhouse Aqua Idol will start on Jan. 15 or Jan. 22 and will run through the end of March. All details will be shared when they are ironed out. I am working , even now, at getting the very best group of vocalists ever!!! It promises to be another fabulous season!!!! Love to you and thanks for your support!!! GREAT ESTATE SALE WITH SUSIE…NOV. 8 & 9….From 9 am to noon at 3825 Duck Ave. Key West, FL…lots of fab art work, antiques and statuary…. CASINO NIGHT GALA/BENEFIT FOR SOS, NOV. 8…..The Star of the Sea Foundation presents its. 16th annual Gala….7-10 pm…. at Marriott Beachside….. black tie, optional …. Tix are $100….in advance and $115 at the door. Get tix at or at the rectory at St. Mary or the gift shop. ALL proceeds go to benefit the Star of the Sea Foundation. MEET & GREET CRAIG CATES, NOV. 8….Former Mayor Craig Cates is now running for Monroe County Commissioner in District 1. Come to Royal Furniture in Marathon from 5 to 7 pm….. to support Craig…. Open Bar… appetizers by Iron Chefs…. LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB…….Every Night of the Week!!!! There is a fab Happy Hour from 5:30-7:30 pm every single day… plus great piano bar music…. You will love it… sitting right at the piano has been resurrected and is so much fun to kibitz with those surrounding the pianist … Special 50% off wine and drink prices plus delish food all 50% off! 821 Duval St. ….. BARBERSHOP CHORUS….Joe Tripp, Key West’s fave police officer and Aqua Idol Star, has started his Barbershop Singing Group… If you would like to help out financially, he is looking to find investors ….needs $$$ for music, shirts and uniforms, rehearsal space, and eventually memberships in an organization. If you have ideas, suggestions or can help…or know someone that can help Joe, please contact him at 813-477-3045 or email him at You can send checks to Joe Tripp at PO Box 2374, Key West, FL 33040. If you are interested in participating in the Chorus, contact Joe also. TAVERN N TOWN, NOV. 8,15,22,29…Mike Emerson performs from 5- 9 pm in the Lounge.. AT THE CUSTOM HOUSE.. RUNS THRU FEB. 9….KWAHS celebrates the ‘Literary History of Key West’….an exhibit…runs thru Feb. 9….281 Front St….The exhibit pays tribute to a selection of nearly 40 writers spanning generations and genres. Authors past and present will be honored…. a must see!!!! BILL MELCHIOR AT AMERICAN LEGION HALL, NOV. 8,15,22,29…. Bill performs from 7 to 10 pm at this spot on Stock Island on College Rd. TROPIC CINEMA, NOV. 8-14…. Parasite…The Lighthouse…. Pain & Glory ….. Harriet…….. AT THE REGAL CINEMA… NOV. 8…..Addams Family….Countdown …. Doctor Sleep. … Joker… Maleficent…. Terminator DArk Fate….. Zombieland : Double Tap…. MARJORY LEE NOV. 8,15,22,29….From 1 to 4 pm, Marjory is at Sunset Pier…. From 5 to 8 pm, She performs at The Gates Hotel. SCHOONER WHARF, NOV. 8, 9, 10… 5 pm, Michael McCloud…. Ross Brown Band from 6:45-11:45pm… THE GARDENS HOTEL, NOV. 8,15,22,29….The talented Michael Robinson performs at the piano from 5-7 pm. Eric Haley is there to add great vocals! COMEDY KEY WEST…. NOV. 8….Doors open at 7:30…showtime with Local Comics starts it off… then the headliner performs… always hilarious! It’s Sean Donnelly on Nov. 8th THE GREEN PARROT….NOV. 8,9,10… The Resolvers at 5:30, 9 pm and 11 pm!!! On Nov. 11, only at 5:30 pm after Jazz! CONCH REPUBLIC SEAFOOD CO., NOV. 8,15,22,29.. Mike Naughton from 6 to 10 pm. SMOKIN TUNA, NOV. 8 & 9…. 5 pm, it’s Scott Kirby…. 9 pm, Caffeine Carl & Friends… BLUE HEAVEN, NOV. 8… Lance Taylor entertains from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm…. LATEDA, NOV. 8,15,22…. 3 Sum at 8:30 pm…. in the Lounge!!!! LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB, NOV. 8…..The Chris Burchard Trio at 8 pm….821 Duval St…. with Skipper Kripitz and Gary Rivenson…. WALKING TOURS, NOV. 8,9,15,16,22,23,29,30….Every Friday and Saturday…. This tour features the former homes and fave haunts of well known KW writers….Tours start at 4:30 pm….on Friday and 10 am on Saturday….Meet at the Key West Library, 700 Fleming St….and finish at the foot of Greene St. For reservations call 305-293-9291. KEY WEST DANCE COLLECTIVE…NOV. 15 & 16…..Show is presented on the stage at Tennessee Williams theatre, with the audience also on stage. Show is at 8 pm. Get tix NOW at This is a showcase of original works by local KW dancers, choreographers and artists. Participating artists are Carolyn Cooper, Joseph Goodman, Kara Querio, Tori Gegg, Leigh Pujado and many more. Classical guitarist, Martina Bevis will be there to accompany on some pieces….The Coffee Mill Young Dance Collective will also be featured…Special guest are Maurizio Nardi from the Martha Graham Dance Co. FLA KEYS COUNCIL OF THE ARTS OPENING RECEPTION…..NOV. 15….5:30-7:30 pm… at the GATO Bldg Lobby, 1100 Simonton St…. A Members Show…Theme is Trees of the Keys…. hors d’oeuvres and refreshments… Free parking. SAVE THE DATE…. DEC. 11… will be the Council of the Arts Holiday Membership Party at 5:30 pm…. HALO ROOFTOP BAR AT THE SAINT, NOV. 15….Karri Daley performs at 417 Eaton St. in the evening!!!! **** “HAIR” …IN CONCERT…NOV. 22,23,24,25…..GET TICKETS NOW!!!!!! Four nights of the musical HAIR!!!!! AT THE WATERFRONT PLAYHOUSE…. 8 PM…..Directed by Tom Thayer and sets by Michael Boyer … Trish Manley, stage mgr. ALL STAR CAST!!!!! Jeremy Zoma….Arthur Crocker …. Kelsey Wilson…. DJ Mills…. Belle Jampol …. Donna Stabile …. Bria Ansara ….Lauren Thompson…..Aaron Duclas…. Martha Hooten … Jordan Fife Hunt…..Let the sun shine in…. get tix NOW for this fabulous show! At THE WATERFRONT PLAYHOUSE…..GET TIX at or call 305-294-5015!!!! This is a NOT TO MISS SHOW!!!!! (I get excited just ‘thinking’ about it!!!!) KEY WEST COLLECTS AT CUSTOM HOUSE, OPENS NOV. 22….See the wonderful and unique collections of residents of Key West…..Member/VIP admission is 5:30-6… free….General Public admission is 6 to 7:30 pm… at Custom House on Front St. KEY WEST GARDEN CLUB PLANT SALE, NOV. 22 & 23…. 10 am to 3 pm at West Martello Tower at Higgs Beach….Vendors, artists, always great stuff to purchase!!!!! LIBBY YORK FANS, NOV. 22…. Libby announces that she will be at the Arts Garage in Delray Beach, FL…accompanied by Jim Gasior, Mike Harvey and Paul Shewchuck: Get ticket info at CONGRATULATIONS TO BRUCE MOORE!!!…Former Key West resident, actor , singer, and entertainer… and former star of the Broadway Stage… and my very good friend….. gets big Congrats from Me! He just directed the musical, ‘NEXT TO NORMAL’ at Gettysburg College…. and he received raves!!!!! Bruce has been doing a lot of directing with the Community Theater in town, but this was a big deal for him. He loved the experience and was thrilled with the talent pool at the College! Maybe we can get Bruce back to Key West to direct at one of our theaters in here!!!! (Hint, hint!!) KEY WEST FILM FESTIVAL BEGINS NOV. 20-24…. This year promises to be BIGGER AND BETTER than EVER…. with ALL films being shown in one spot… The Tropic Cinema at 416 Eaton St…. Tickets and Passes are NOW being sold….and quickly….To find out more information on schedules, films being shown, and various ticket pricing, go to LUANN GROSSCUP ANNOUNCES NEW BOOK!!!.. ‘FLIGHT: An American Pilot’s Story of Adventure, Descent, and Redemption’, by local author and friend, Luann Grosscup and Capt. Neil Hansen has been released!!! It is one man’s aviation story (Neil Hansen), within the context of CIA covert operations in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. This real-life very riveting story will take you right where all the action took place during this very challenging time in history. Presently, the book is available at, in either soft cover or kindle. Go to: BIRTHDAY/ANNIVERSARY LISTS….If you would like to be included in the Birthday and Anniversary Lists that I send out every month, please let me know your month and day by sending that info to me at There are special perks to being on the lists!!!! One of the perks is having your name in KONK Life on the day of your Birthday! PRAYER CHAIN…..Please continue to remember the following in your thoughts and prayers……..BUCKY MONTGOMERY…..the family and friends of Lura Gorman ….Michael Thomas…. Barbara Brant….Ed Stevens … Jim Hall …Genevieve Isaksen ….Kathy Elias… Ann Marie Adriani….Sandy Abookire ….RE Frechette…Ginger King …. the family and friends of Sam Senia ….. Donna Barnett….….Sharron Mondo Drezner… Maggie Domski …….Len Stevens .…. Rick Elias…… ….John Behmke ….Joe McMurray …George Kling ..Billy Cartledge …Mary Larkin …..Mike Stallard and wife Kelly…… Robin Deck ……..Paul Cotton ….. Carl McMackin….….John Gadonniex… Nancy Williams …Christy Nelson… Virgil Williams .. ….. Fred and Judi Stevens …Fred Lima ….Nancy Lima …Maryann Barth… Pam Williams …..Jon Traut…….….Harry Schroeder …Bella Rettenwander ……Diane Covan ….Guy de Boer….….Dawn de Boer …. Pat West … …Joe Dallas Sr … Jan Cernan ….Donna Stanton … Charlie Allen …Lee Garrison … Lou Ann Cymont … Cheryl Walchli … Terri White …John Padget …..Eric Nelson ….Noreen Collins….Gary Rivenson …Donna Stabile ….Todd Reifschneider … …Pat Waller …..Millie Chawlew …Brian Belanger ……. Lee Knight … …Frank Gren … …Sherrey Welch …Marta White …. Maggie Domski ….… Peter Deksmith ….. …Bill Lodermeir …Betty & Jack Darst….. …….Eegor Goropec…Richard and Betty Carraway ……Lottie Domski …. Anne McKee …..Teresa Lawson ……. Tony Martinez … Star Husky… Ron Maranian …Marec Yooree …… Pamella C. Bocdow. …Dee Dee Duecker … Karla Muir … Vincent Gregory …Tony Freese… Jennifer O’Lear …Margaret Taylor … Roland Ryper …Patrick Richards. I also ask you to keep me in your prayers…. I have been dealing with lots of pain in my right shoulder… have a doctor’s appointment on 11/18… but I am concerned. Remember, there are many reasons that we pray…not just because people are ill…. I do believe that when we all send prayers and good vibes to those in need, those prayers mystically meet and surround those being prayed for. Sometimes we pray for miracles and the impossible….sometimes we pray to just cope with the results of what happens to those we are praying for. Sometimes we pray for strength to go on and to accept…sometimes we pray for thanksgiving. We are in this thing called ‘Life’ together….and we all have power within us to help our fellow man. Bless you for remembering our loved ones….Prayer changes things! Let me know if you know of anyone who should be added to this list. FKSPCA HAS BRICK PROGRAM….This is a special’ buy a brick and have it inscribed with a special name and message’ that will be placed on the walkway of the new Animal Shelter…a great gift for someone very special. For more info go to Bricks are $250 each. This will help the building fund of the new BOB FRECHETTE=FABULOUS REALTOR IN TOWN!!!!…..Need a realtor in town? My husband BOB FRECHETTE IS YOUR MAN!!!! He has been with the marvelous Compass Realty ( NOW Keller-Williams Compass) for 20+ years …Give him a call at 305-304-2584! Email him at He is the BEST! I promise!!!! Honest, Loyal, Fair, and Adorable too!!! He will have only your best interests at heart. TAKE STOCK IN CHILDREN NEEDS VOLUNTEER MENTORS….mentors needed to work with dedicated students….If interested call Karla Quintana at 305-293-1546 or email her at ARTISTS WANTED FOR MALLORY SQUARE….Sunset Celebrations is seeking more artists to participate at this iconic event. For info, email A PUN or LEXOPHILE FOR YOU…Those who get too big for their britches will get exposed in the end!!! _______________________________________________________________ SATURDAY HAPPY NOV. 9 BIRTHDAY TO…SUSIE SAVITCH ….KIM WILKERSON … MEGAN CLAY …DREW WENZEL …GARY YOUNG … DIANE SHELBY … CARLO DENNY … VANNA ROBBINS …KEN MACHOR … (Please remember Wink Gasser.) LATEDA, NOV. 9……. 3 Sum at 8:30 pm…. Randy Roberts in the Crystal Room at 9 pm. FREE SAILING LESSONS FOR WOMEN, NOV.9,16,23,30….10 am to noon every Saturday at 705 Palm Ave….register at 9:45. For info call 305-292-5993. LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB, NOV. 9…Peter Diamond performs from 5:30-7:30 pm…. From 8 to 11 pm, Larry Smith and Co. will feature the wonderful Carmen Rodriguez on vocals…..Carmen also will with Larry on Nov. 23 and 30…mark calendars!! MOVIE NIGHT AT AMERICAN LEGION, NOV.9..Showtime is 7 pm……5610 College Rd. on Stock Island….FREE. food and drink will be available to buy. THE GARDENS HOTEL, NOV. 9,16,23,30…. Bobby Green is at the piano from 5 to 7 pm… TAVERN N TOWN, NOV. 2 … Mike Emerson performs from 5 to 9 pm in the Lounge! MARJORY LEE ON NOV. 9,16,23,30… Marjory performs at Lagerheads from 12:30- 3:30 pm…. From 11 pm till 2 am she is at the Irish Oak Barrel Lounge on Southard. ***CELEBRATE BOBBY NESBITT’S BIRTHDAY AT TAVERN N TOWN, NOV. 9…. After what seems A YEAR long hiatus, Bobby Nesbitt is back at the piano from 5 to 9:00 pm…Bobby’s birthday is on Nov. 10…. SO… he will be celebrating his Birthday on Nov. 9…. ALL BOBBY FANS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO WELCOME BOBBY BACK AND CELEBRATE HIS BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Hope to see you there!!!! Note that Bobby will be at Tavern n Town on Nov. 9,16,23,30….. BLUE HEAVEN, NOV. 9…..Tony Baltimore performs from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm….Queen Kathleen performs from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm…. OPERA. “MADAM BUTTERFLY” AT REGAL CINEMA…NOV. 9…. Call Regal for time. MEN OF PARADISE….NOV. 9….This ever popular benefit for Samuel’s House will be at Marriott Beachside…. doors open at 11 am… event starts at noon… General admission is $40…. VIP tix are $60….Call for tix at 305-296-0240. Theme is POP ROCKS!!!! VOTER REGISTRATION, NOV. 9…The Lower Keys Chapter of the League of Women Voters will sponsor voter registration from noon to 2 pm at the Coral City Elks Lodge at 1107 Whitehead St. For info call Donna at 305-304-1863. CONCH REPUBLIC SEAFOOD CO….NOV. 9… 1-5 pm… Nick Norman…. Closed from 6 to 10 for private party. SMOKIN TUNA, NOV. 9.. Dr. Von Hilsheimer at 2 pm… Hey Monea at 5 pm….Walking Dead Zombie Contest at 8 pm…. NATIVE PLANT SALE, NOV. 16… At KW Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden…..9 am to noon…. 161 species of plans, trees, shrubs, vines, etc. Members get 15% discount. 5210 College Rd. on Stock Island. Make sure you get a look at the magnificent Throne carved by artist Perry Arnold!!!! BENEFIT FOR ANCHORS AWEIGH CLUB, NOV. 23…..Holiday Gift Auction & Buffet…. Silent Auction…. Treasures from the best shops in town….4 to 7 pm…. at St. Paul’s Parish Hall… off Bahama St. at 401 Duval….All proceeds go to Anchors Aweigh, a recovery club that provides a safe venue for more than 50 weekly 12 step meetings for over 35 years. Website is **THE NEWLYWED GAME..NOV. 23….. Comedy Key West at The BottleCap will present a special benefit for BUCKY MONTGOMERY on Sat., Nov. 23…. It is a wild and wacky version of the ‘NEWLYWED GAME’ on TV…. except this also involved a “NOT so Newlywed” portion of this Game…. Guess who may be a part of THAT part? Yep.. Bob & Lynda Frechette… It should be a lot of fun and helping raise money to help Bucky out is a good thing. 8 pm at 1128 Simonton St. OLD FASHIONED HIGH TEA ON NOV. 23….In Lily’s Garden at the Oldest House, 322 Duval St…. $25. AT HANK’S ON CAROLINE ST…. NOV. 30….The Coconut Victrola performs at Hanks…. don’t miss this new group! Belle Jampol…Megan Clay, T-Bone McHOne, Adam Constantine, and Kenny Fradley!!!!! They are terrific!!!WATERFRONT PLAYHOUSE ANNUAL WELCOME BACK PARTY….DEC. 14….. Get tix NOW to this always SOLD OUT party… held at the gorgeous home of Susan and Stuart Kaufman on Washington St…..6 pm… Go online to or call 305-294-5015 for tickets. Great food, open bar, and dance music all night long!!!! Check with the box office if your membership level entitles you to attend the party for free. MAYOR’S BALL, JAN .18…. Tix are now on sale for this event now held at The Southernmost Mansion…. Call 305-809-5000. Under the stars… delish food by the Iron Chefs, Open Bar… $150 per person, $600 per table of 4 and $1,500 per table of 10. I understand that this event is all sold out…. maybe there is a waiting list you can get on??? STRING MUSICIANS SOUGHT…. The KW Community String Orchestra is seeking those who play violin, cello, viola, etc. at all levels of experience. For info contact Lyn-Marie at SOME GREAT HAPPY HOURS…..1) Alonzo’s…4-6:30… Half price apps and drinks… 2) Ram’s Head South (formerly Blue Macaw)… 4-7 pm… $3 drinks including well, beer and wine…and half price apps that are delicious!!!!!!!and entertainment all day…. 3) Boathouse 4-6 pm half price on all drinks and apps one side of menu…4) The Grand Café, 5-7:00 pm…1/2 price wine, cocktails and beer and half priced appetizers… 5) The Saint…. 4:17-7:14 pm… half price drinks and special priced small plates 6) Little Room Jazz Club…. Reduced prices on food and drinks…. Plus sit around the piano bar at 5:30 pm….. ________________________________________________________________ SUNDAY….. HAPPY NOV. 10 BIRTHDAY TO….BOBBY NESBITT …. RICHIE SPADA ….ERIN STOVER-SICKMAN …. CINDY DRESOW …JIM GRANT …MICK KILGOS … TRENT RIEDEL … (Please remember Judy Wood.)…..HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO….. DANIEL SCHIAVONNE & BRENT GORDON. ‘THE INFORMER’ AT WATERFRONT PLAYHOUSE ON NOV. 10 & 11…. This riveting play by Bertold Brecht is a part of the ‘On the Edge’ series of special theater productions at the Waterfront! The Informer is about a teacher and his wife who are terrified that their son, a fanatic member of the Hitler Youth, will denounce them for their critical comments about the regime. Directed by John McDonald, and starring Barbara Mundy, Steve Miller, Dre Cooper and Rena Dahlgren…. onstage at 7 pm at The Waterfront Playhouse. For tix go to or call Debra Falciani at the Box Office at 305-294-5015! ANIMAL FARM OPEN, NOV. 10….Visit this unique KW ZOO and enjoy its innate charm!….1 to 3 pm at the Sherriff’s office at 5525 College Dr.. FREE and open to all. OLD STONE CHURCH NOV. 10…. 9 to 11 am…. It will be the talented singer-songwriter, DORA Gholson singing beautiful and soulful music… to start your Sunday and your week on lovely notes!!!! At the Methodist Church hall…. You will adore her!!! AL ROMANO AT OCEAN GRILL…NOV. 10,17,24….. This fab crooner performs every Sunday from 11 am to 2 pm….. ARTISAN MARKET, DEC.1…..The KW Artisan Market will have its monthly artisan market … 10 am to 2 pm at Higgs Beach… Crafts, art, jewelry, food, bread, music, etc., etc….. THANK A VETERAN!!!..NOV. 10…This benefit sponsored by William Weech American Legion Post 168 will help reopen the Legion Hall on Emma St. and restart community programs…. 5:30-7:30 pm at Aqua Side Bar at 504 Angela St…. Raffle Prize: $1,000. Tix are 1 for $10 and 3 for $20….Silent Auction…. Patriotic Music … comp snacks….drink specials at side bar…. For more info call 703-626-0600. LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB …NOV.10….Any Mayo performs from 5:30-7:30 pm….Barry Cuda & the Sharks entertain…. 8-11 pm……. now a full bar and food too!! “SOUTHERN CIRCUIT TOUR…NOV. Tropic Cinema….5:30 pm….reception, screening of ‘A Short History of the Long Road’…$15 non, $10 members…at 6 pm….. CLASSIC MOVIE, “THE GODFATHER II”, NOV. 10…. At Regal Cinema… Call for Time. MARINE CORPS BIRTHDAY PARTY, NOV. 10….The VFW Post 3911 at 2200 N. Roosevelt celebrates the 244th birthday of the US Marine Corps….5:30 pm…. ALL are welcome to attend! FREE SAILING LESSONS FOR MEN, NOV. 10,17,24….AND EVERY SUNDAY…. AT 705 Palm Ave… 10 am to Noon…. JAZZ IN GARDENS HOTEL, NOV. 10…A new season of Jazz begins at The Gardens from 5 to 7:30 pm… On Nov. 10 it will be Scott Marischen (Harp) and Friends!!! On Nov. 17 LIBBY YORK and Co. will perform jazz at The Gardens with Chris Burchard, Hal Howland and Mark Rose…… SMOKIN TUNA,NOV. 10… Marjory Lee at 8 pm….. CONCH REPUBLIC SEAFOOD CO., NOV. 10,17……Oren from 1 to 5 pm….Dan Harvey from 6 to 10 pm… LATEDA, NOV. 10,17,24…..Tea Dance at 4 pm……. at 8:30 pm, 3Sum in the Lounge! LA TRATTORIA OCEANSIDE.. NOV.10 THRU NOV. 14….Phil Sampson performs every Sunday thru Thursday from 6 to 9 pm at this Oceanside restaurant!!!! TAVERN N TOWN , NOV. 10, 17, 24……Rob DiStasi performs from 5 to 9 pm… FULL MOON KAYAKING…NOV.10… The FLA Keys Wildlife Society will host a kayak excursion around No Name Key from 4 to 6 pm….To reserve or for more info call or text 305-872-7474. CHRISTMAS ROCK SHOW ON DEC. 22….. At Key West Theater…8 pm… Larry Smith, Skipper, Caffeine Carl, Wayne Sorbelli, Joe Dallas, Christine Cordone, and many more…..Get in the Spirit….512 Eaton St. Stars are Destiny Montgomery and Joe Tripp!!!! _________________________________________________________ MONDAY HAPPY NOV. 11 BIRTHDAY TO ….JIM SCHOLL… WENDY FRENCH … COLLEEN NEEDHAM … DOMINIQUE BARRERA… MARK SCIANRELLO … JUANITA GREEN …NANCY LAMKIN … HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO….. JILL CALDWELL & RICHARD FROST … AND ….. MIKE & KELLY STALLARD… HAPPY VETERAN’S DAY TO ALL VETERAN’S AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE PAST AND PRESENT!!!!!!NOV. 11…… There will be a Ceremony at 11 am at Bayview Park… all welcome. call Jerry Hughes for info…. 305-240-1136. ****THE TRUE SIT-AROUND- THE- PIANO –BAR- EXPERIENCE LIVES!! .. EVERY DAY!!!! …When we first moved to Key West one of the most fun things we loved was the chance to actually sit at stools around the Piano at the Pier House when the fabulous Bobby Nesbitt entertained…. If the piano was full, we would wait until someone left and then quickly make our move….Later, Larry Smith kept the tradition going… NOW, this is about to happen once again…this time at THE LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB, at 821 Duval St.!!!! you will have the unique and intimate opportunity to recapture those days of yore….sit around the 7 foot grand piano and be able to place your drink on the piano and be up close and personal with Larry (or whomever the pianist will be)… DUELING BARTENDERS NOV. 11,18,25…. Featuring Ric Dery and a guest singer…. from 5:30-8 pm at Aqua Nightclub….Heather Mae-Potter will be the guest on Nov. 11….Vicky Rowden, Waterfront Playhouse Aqua Idol winner, on Nov. 18… and Bob Wood on Nov. 25….. Always great fun and wildly entertaining!!!! AT THE GARDENS HOTEL, NOV. 11…. James King III performs from 5 to 7 pm… DRUNK SPELLING BEE AT MARY ELLEN’S ON NOV. 11, 18,25…Located on Appelrouth Lane. This is wild wack and wicked!!!!! CLASSIC MOVIE, “STRANGERS ON A TRAIN”…NOV. 11….Film noir by Arthur Hitchcock….6:30 pm…. $8.75 members and $12 non. 416 Eaton St . At 8 pm… there will be a screening of “This is Spinal Tap”….same price as above. THE LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB, NOV.11… Malathi performs from 5:30-7:30 pm….Larry Smith & Christine Cordone perform at 8 pm….. Now a full bar and food served too!!! 821 Duval St. TAVERN N TOWN, NOV. 11…Rob DiStasi performs from 5 to 9 pm in the Lounge. CONCH REPUBLIC SEAFOOD CO…NOV.11, 18,25…The Bahama Boys from 6 to 10 pm. LATEDA, NOV. 11,18,25… Ronnie Lovely in the Lounge at 8:30 pm… SMOKIN TUNA SALOON, NOV.11…….Jonathan Birchfield & Chris Clifton at 5 pm… …Caffeine Carl & the Buzz at 9 pm…. SCHOONER WHARF, NOV.11…. Raven Cooper, noon to 5 pm… Christopher Dean Band, from 6:45-11 pm…. KWAHS TRIVIA NIGHT AT ‘OFF THE HOOK’ NOV. 11….920 Caroline St….doors open at 5…. starts at 5:30 pm….Register your team of 4 in advance at www.KWAHSorg/events. Cost is $20 for the team at $5 per person. Each team has own table …For more info contact Cori at 305-295-6616 x 112. SOUTH FLORIDA SYMPHONY…NOV. 18… This Masterworks I Concert features Beethoven, Mahler and Barber…. at Tennessee Williams Theatre, at 7:30 pm. Get tickets at Vocalist, Brandie Sutton will be featured. She was Bess in Porgy and Bess. NOTE THAT VETERAN’S DAY IS NOVEMBER 11!!!! LITERACY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED…..Call Mary at 305-304-0578 for info. ________________________________________________________________ TUESDAY HAPPY NOV. 12 BIRTHDAY TO….EVAN CORNS …CASSIE McGEE …AMANDA KRUEL… TOM RYBICKI … DOLORES BOFF …. JIM DOMAGALSKI …DOUG GERENGER … LINDSAY COLLINS …MARION FETCHIK …NEIL YOUNG… (Please remember Bernice Schuckert.)…… HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO….. MELODY MOORE & BOB BOWERSOX!!!!! LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB… NOV.12…Coffee Butler entertains from 5:30-7:30 pm…..Larry Baeder & Bill Blue perform…. 8 pm-11 pm!!!!! 821 Duval St. LATEDA, NOV. 12,19,26….3 Sum at 8:30 pm in the Lounge… Christopher Peterson at 9 pm in the Crystal Room… BENEFIT for BUCKY JAM SESSION ON NOV. 12…. This is at 2 pm at The Smokin Tuna Saloon…..All invited….. CONCH REPUBLIC SEAFOOD CO. NOV. 12… The Dan Harvey entertains from 6 to 10 pm!!!! AT BOOKS & BOOKS, NOV. 12….Local Author, Rosalind Brankenbury will discuss her latest book, “Without Her” with Jessica Argyle from 6 to 7:30 pm at 533 Eaton St. AQUA IDOL ON THREE NIGHTS ONLY… NOV. 12,19,26…..6:30-8 pm at Aqua Night Club…. 711 Duval St….Come join the fun and vote for your fave singers and support local Veterans ..donations benefit the William Weeck American Legion Post 168. To sign up to sing, or for more info, call Nancy Moulton at 703-626-0600. BLUE HEAVEN, NOV. 12… Mike Emerson entertains from 6:30-9:30 pm….. SMOKIN TUNA SALOON, NOV. 12… Jonathan Birchfield at 5 pm….pm… GARDENS HOTEL, NOV. 12,19,26… Nina Newton performs from 5 to 7 pm TOASTMASTERS, NOV. 12…..The KW Toastmasters meet at noon at the Gato Bldg. 1100 Simonton St….Visitors welcome…. call 305-295-7501 for info. TAVERN N TOWN, NOV. 12,19,26……Carmen Rodriguez and Bobby Nesbitt perform, from 5 to 9 pm in the Lounge. SCHOONER WHARF, NOV. 12… Gary Hempsey at noon to 5….Tom Taylor.. at 6:45-11 pm…. SPCA EVENT ON NOV. 12…..Stop in at Zazoo Gallery at 622 Duval from 6 to 9 pm….Artist Don Oriolo will be painting an original Felix the Cat painting that will be auctioned off to benefit the animals at FKSPCA…. Also, that day, a portion of the profits from sales that day at the Gallery will directly benefit the SPCA…. THE GALLEON NOV. 12,29,26… Marjory Lee performs from 6 to 9 pm!!!! Great sunsets and music! VIRGILIOS ON NOV. 12….Skipper’s League of Crafty Musicians perform at 9 pm…..joining Skippo are Chris Burchard, Rob DiStasi and Joe Dallas. 524 Duval. rear of La Trattoria… on Appelrouth Ln. On Nov. 19…It’s The Raven Cooper Trio with Skippo….Nov. 26…It’s the Chris Thomas Trio with Skippo…. THE FRINGE PRESENTS, “THE LAST FLAPPER”…NOV. 19,20,21,22,23 ONLY….. This stars very gifted actress, Stephanie Miller and will be at 7 pm at the Key West Womans Club 319 Duval St…. For tix go to or call 305-731-0581. GARDEN LECTURE SERIES, NOV. 26…..gate opens at 6 , lecture at 7 pm….At the Oldest House, 322 Duval St….Snow Phillip will talk about the Architecture of Key West, which has the largest historical wooden structures on the US Dept. of the Interior National Register of Historic Places. Cost is $25 per person…. OIRF members, $15. _______________________________________________________________ WEDNESDAY HAPPY NOV. 13 BIRTHDAY TO…my wonderful husband, BOB FRECHETTE!!!! …PERRY ARNOLD …… SHERRY READ … DIAMOND DAVE GONZALEZ…. JARRED BISHOP …. RICK PIERCE ….AARON WRIGHT…. CAROL ORZECH … JOYCE FOLIANO … BOB CELEBRATES ON NOV. 13…. A lot of people have been asking where we will be on Bob’s birthday this year…. We have been invited to a special dinner on that day…. but afterward we will be stopping by The Little Room Jazz Club at 821 Duval St…. to continue celebrating! Larry Smith and Skipper and Co. will be playing and the fabulous VICTORIA HORNE will be the featured vocalist!!!! If you want to stop by for Birthday hugs from Bob and a cocktail, please do….Bob would love to see you and buy you your a drink at Little Room. We should be there about 8:30 pm or so. AT THE GARDENS HOTEL, NOV. 13,20,27…. Nina Newton at the piano, 5 to 7 pm. CABARET CONCERT to BENEFIT BUCKY MONTGOMERY…NOV. 20…..Heads Up….mark calendars…There will be a spectacular cast who will perform a fab show at Aqua Nightclub… Save the date…. will be sending more info on this EVENT that you should NOT miss!!!! Vocalists and end entertainers participating are Jodyrae Campbell, Bria Ansara, Maj Johnson, Christopher Peterson, Trey Forsyth, Vicky Rowden, Mary Piszker, Bob Wood, Camille Toler, Heather Mae-Potter, Luke Fox, Laura Richardson, Faith Michaels, Victoria Horne, Ric Dery, Bernadette Restivo, Elle Taylor, Joe Trip, Sarah Goodwin, Shawn Montgomery, Crystal Smith, Giancarlo Espinosa, Sarah Perkins,Jennifer Hughes, Tony Yaniz, Rebecca Balcer, Nick Mazza, Valerie Edgington,Melissa Guard, Deja and Destiny Montgomery too! Bucky needs your help!!! Hope you can be there. RAMS HEAD SOUTH, NOV.13,20,27…. Marjory Lee entertains at this spot, formerly called Blue Macaw… from 4 to 7 pm. TERRI & LARRY PERFORM AT RAMS HEAD, NOV. 13,20,27…. At 7:30 pm, Terri White joins Larry Baeder for an eve of great music at the hot spot formerly known as Blue Macaw!!!!! COMEDY KEY WEST..THE MADHOUSE, NOV. 13,20,27….. Showtime is 8:30…stars Gwen Filosa, Stephanie Kaple, Kathy Gilmour, Tom Dustin, Tony Hughes, Steve Crane and Joe Madaus!!!! Great Local LineUP!!!!!!! 1281 Simonton St….. LITTLE ROOM ON NOV. 13…..Karen Heins performs from 5:30-7:30 pm….Victoria Horne and Co. at 8 pm…. 821 Duval St…. CASA MARINA HMF SIDECAR BAR…NOV. 13….Chris Thomas entertains from 8 pm to 10:30 pm…..Reynolds St. AT SUNSET PIER, NOV. 13,20,27…. The hot new group, The Coconut Victrola entertain on Wednesdays from 6 to 8 pm… AT BLUE HEAVEN, NOV. 13…. The Nina Newton Duo performs from 6:30-9:30 pm. SMOKIN TUNA SALOON, NOV. 13….John Birchfield & Chris Clifton at 5 pm…. Caffeine Carl & the Buzz at 9 pm…. MOVIE NIGHT AT KEY WEST LIBRARY… NOV.13,20,27…at 5 pm at 700 Fleming St. FREE. TALK AT THE STUDIOS, NOV. 20….6 pm… William Heyman Ph.D will present a talk titled ‘Multi-species Fish Spawning Aggregations: What Are They and Why Are They Important?’ featuring amazing underwater videos….Free to attend… co-sponsored by Last Stand & Reef Relief. 533 Eaton St. KEY WEST ART & HISTORICAL ….ORDER BRICKS ONLINE… Get your personalized Brick and leave a legacy…. To order online go to For questions call Kim at 305-295-6616 ext:106. Bricks are $100… you can personalize up to 3 lines of wording with up to 18 spaces per line. CONCH REPUBLIC SEAFOOD CO…NOV. 13,20,27… Din Allen performs from 6 to 10 PM…. GREEN PARROT, NOV. 13…..Happy Dog at 5:30 pm….. Ukulele Night at 8 pm… SCHOONER WHARF, NOV. 13… noon-5 pm …..Tony Baltimore…..Raven Cooper 6:45-11 pm TAVERN N TOWN, NOV. 13.. Mike Emerson entertains from 5 to 9 pm… LATEDA, NOV. 13,20,27….The FAB Spectrelles 8:30 pm….. HISTORY OF THE KW LIBRARY LECTURE… NOV. 13…. Presented by Tom Hambright at 6 pm at 700 Fleming St….The talk will be followed by a Q & A….Seating is limited so get there early. KEY WEST FILM FEST…NOV. 20-24….Go to to find out all the events and schedules about this season’s annual Fest!!! BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER!!!! More than 115 films will be shown during the fest only at one location this year… The Tropic Cinema. Special events will occur at other locations. FLA KEYS COUNCIL OF THE ARTS HOLIDAY MEMBERSHIP PARTY, DEC. 11… 5:30-7:30 pm at the Southernmost Mansion Hotel….1400 Duval St….Hosted by Michael Halpren…. Dance music by the Prime Movers…. holiday appetizers by Seaside Cafe at the Mansion…Key West Fine Wines…. A time to renew your membership or join as a new member. Avoid the lines sign up in advance…. __________________________________________________________ THURSDAY HAPPY NOV. 14 BIRTHDAY TO ….JERRY GALEANA…. CHUCK HAMMOND … BEVERLY GOLDNER….DOUG LAFFERTY … LARRY WOOD… PHILLIP COLE WHITE …JOHN PATTILLO…. LOTTIE DOMSKI (98!)…. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ….. AMANDA & AUSTIN HARRISON…. TRUMAN WATERFRONT MARKET, NOV. 14,21,28…..This weekly Market offers many great stands of produce, orchids, pickles, crafts, baked goods, etc…. 10 am to 2 pm. All welcome! BEREAVEMENT MEETING EVERY THURSDAY, NOV. 14,21….. If you have lost someone very dear and are having a difficult time with it all… there is help available… Meet at 7:15 every Thursday at the Klaus Murphy Center at St. Mary Parish on Truman Ave. You are not alone. DROP IN PAINT CLASSES WITH JIM SALEM …. NOV. 14,21,….Drop in at Sugarloaf Lodge Tiki Bar… 9:30 am….MM17…. 1/2 hour demo then painting session till 12:30 pm. Call 305-394-5555. 60th OLD ISLAND RESTORATION FOUNDATION KICKOFF PARTY,NOV.14 … From 5 to 7 pm in the Garden at the Oldest House 322 Duval St….Info, exhibits, talks, wine taste, bits to eat….for schedule go to 60TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OF KW LIBRARY, NOV. 14…. 6 pm in the Palm Garden at 700 Fleming St….There will be Jazz in the Garden with the always fab, Libby York, plus Chris Burchard, Joe Dallas and Mark Rose. There will be brief remarks by KW dignitaries. FREE to attend… seating limited. Get there early. For more info call 305-292-3595. MARY ELLEN’S ENTERTAINMENT, NOV. 14,21,28…..The fab Coconut Victrola entertain from 9 pm to midnight!!!!! THANKFUL ON THURSDAY… I am very thankful to be safely back in Key West… to have experienced another wild and wacky Fantasy Fest….and for special people who brought joy into my life…people like…. for STEPHANIE BARNOW ……Bruce Strong… daughter, Melissa Lang….Tom Thayer…. PattiCakes Hayes….. Billy Cartledge & Jim Hall … Bob Wood … Barry Cook & Harrell Odom …..Bruce Moore …..and most of all for my husband Bob who truly is my Knight in Shining Armor!!!! By the way the ‘Secret Gift Giver’, who arranged for a BAG full of delightful treasures to be delivered at my door… was none other than Patrick ‘Patticakes’ Hayes…. and his delivery man was Jeffrey Ware!!!! Thanks you darling partners in ‘crime’!!!!!! ***LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB NOV. 14…50% off food and BOGO on select wine, beer and booze!!! Come one and all to this wonderful jewel of a spot in Key West!!!!! 821 Duval St…..Little Room truly caters to the LOCALS in Key West!!!! THE GARDENS HOTEL, NOV. 14,21… JIMMY OLSON is back at The Gardens, from 5 to 7 pm at 526 Angela St….. VIBRATOR RACES BENEFIT FOR BUCKY ON NOV. 14…. At Mary Ellen’s on Appelrouth Lane…8 pm…. COMEDY KEY WEST, NOV. 14 & 15…Doors open at 7:30…. Showtime is 8 pm with great Local comics… !!!! Make sure you claim local’s discount! Headliner is Chris Cope at 8:30 pm….. On Nov. 21 & 22 it’s Adam Hunter!!!!! GREEN PARROT NOV. 14……5:30…9 and 11 pm.. Turner’s 90’s Band, 5:30. 9 and 11 pm…. TAVERN N TOWN, NOV. 14,21,28…Carmen Rodriguez and Bobby Nesbitt entertain 5 to 9 pm in the Lounge!! SCHOONER WHARF ON NOV. 14,15,16…..noon to 5 pm, Michael McCloud….Cool Breeze Band from 6:45 -11 pm. INVITATION FOR WOMEN GOLFERS, NOV.14,21,28….18 hole Ladies Golf Assoc. All skills welcome… every Thurs. at KW Golf Club on Stock Island….Season began on Oct. 31….ends on april 30, 2020. You can join any time during the season. For more info call Audrey at 312-590-0390. SMOKIN TUNA SALOON, NOV. 14….Jonathan Birchfield & Chris Clifton at 5 pm…Caffeine Carl & the Buzz at 9 pm… CONCH REPUBLIC SEAFOOD CO., NOV.14,21,28…. Joe the Show at 6 to 9 pm. LATEDA, NOV. 14,21,28….3 Sum in the Lounge at 8:30 pm…. Randy Roberts at 9 pm in The Crystal Room!!! SOUTHERNMOST STRING ENSEMBLE, NOV. 21…..This Program will feature all 10 artists in this String Group…..7 pm….at St. Paul’s Church, 401 Duval St…. A wonderful program is planned for your enjoyment. Be transported to another realm as you hear the marvelous vocalists, John Baird, tenor…. Dean Warden, Baritone, Barbara Staffen mezzo soprano,… and the musicians, Irie Monte, Pavla Houdkova, Mark Simcox, John Penkoske, Donna DeForrest, Tim Peterson And An McFarland…. Get tickets at door or call 305-296-5142. _______________________________________________________ LOVE TO YOU, AND REMEMBER… Hold on to love…. You will know when it is worth fighting for: when it’s lighting your life; when you never feel alone. Savor it. Treasure it. The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in. Lynda ______________________________________________________________ PS…..AND HERE’S MORE INFORMATION: KIM GORDON:LET’S BE BAD….FEB. 28….. Tix are now on sale for this show on Feb. 28…. at Key West Theater….8 pm….Go to for tix. KW TROPICAL FOREST CALL FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS APPLICATIONS: The Tropical Forest is looking for 5 seats to fill on its Board of Directors. Get applications for a 2 year term starting on Jan. 2020. They are specifically looking for a Treasurer/Bookkeeper. If this interests you please send a letter of interest to the KW Botanical Garden Society 5210 College Rd. KW< FL 33040. Or email Website is WATERFRONT PLAYHOUSE ANNOUNCES 2019-20 SEASON!!!!… A full house was in attendance, waiting with baited breath to hear all about the next season of shows at The Waterfront Playhouse…. And the presentation did NOT disappoint…. everyone was thrilled with the announcement!!! Mark your calendars as you will NOT want to miss a single show! 1) ‘HAIR’ in Concert, Nov. 22,23,24,&25…..(see list of cast below) 2) ‘AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS’, Dec.12-28…..3) ‘GLASS’…. (world premiere by Michael Amin), Jan. 16-Feb. 1….4) ‘PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT’…The Musical!!! ..March 5 thru March 28….(show cast) 5) ‘AMERICAN BUFFALO’…. David Mamet play, April 16 thru May 2…6) ‘BEEHIVE’…the 60’s Musical….May 21-June 6!!!! PLUS…. Waterfront Playhouse ON THE EDGE SHOWS!!!! 1)‘SHREK, JR.’ Waterfront Playhouse Youth Theater Aug. 2 & 3 …2) ‘THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW’…. Starring Christopher Peterson… Oct. 19-Oct. 25. (great cast) …3) ‘THE INFORMER’.. by Bertold Brecht… Nov. 3 & 4 and 10 &11. 4) ‘LADY DAY AT EMERSON’S BAR & GRILL…. Feb. 12,13,14,15… stars Tracey Conyer as Billie Holliday. …5) ‘TRUNK MATERIAL 2’… and evening of great songs performed by the cast members of ‘PRISCILLA QUEEN OF THE DESERT’…March 14 only….6) ‘BASH’, April 19 & 20 ***TENNESSEE WILLIAMS THEATRE ANNOUNCES EXCITING 2019-20 SEASON….As a producer of the Tennessee Williams Theatre, we were at the big annual announcement at the home of Tom & Kitty Clements, where Frank Wood revealed the next season of fabulous shows at the Theatre…. Mark your calendars… Dec. 5… SUTTON FOSTER IN CONCERT…. This thrills me to NO end, as two time Tony Award Winner, Sutton is my most favorite Broadway Star … We have seen her in just about every musical she has starred in… and I watch her TV shows, Younger… and prior to that, BunHeads!!!! I always tell everyone the “I am going to be Sutton Foster in my next life!!! We got to meet her ‘on the street’ after she performed in an off-Broadway show, called ‘Trust’ and she was warm and delightful and that sealed the deal of FAN FOR LIFE!!!… DEC. 19…. ‘The Play That Goes Wrong’…. (We saw this last Aug. on Broadway…. Hilarious and wild and wonderful!!!)… FEB. 14… Mandy Patinkin in Concert…. Musical Star, Mandy is also one of my faves…. Have seen him in Falsettos, Evita (won Tony for Che), and he has starred and is starring in many TV shows… MARCH 12…. ‘The Color Purple’…fabulous musical…saw it two years ago on Broadway….March 21…. The Choir of Man…..9 handsome blokes who sing, dance and will knock your socks off!!!! Other non-producer shows announce….Jan. 25…. Kristen Chenoweth (Broadway legend)…. Feb. 17… The Jersey Boys (always a favorite!)…. March 6 The Peking Chinese Acrobats…. March 28, Motown with a Twist (Dancing with the Stars)… May 5… One night of QUEEN!!!! (If you saw it two years ago you can only hope it is the same group who blew us away!!!) More shows will be announced throughout the year!! TWO OTHER GREAT SHOWS IN THE TENNESSEE WILLIAMS CABARET THEATRE, ARE ‘BOBBY NESBITT…IN THE LOBBY WITH DANNY WEATHERS & CARMEN RODRIGUEZ’….. AND …. A CABARET SHOW WITH DAVE BOOTLE!!!! FOSTER HOMES WANTED….Wesley House Family Services is seeking families in the community interested in providing a home to children in the foster care system. Classes begin Wed., June 12 at 99451 Overseas Hwy. in Key Largo. To register, call Megan at 305-809-5020. WOMAN’S CLUB OFFERS FREE TOURS….Called ‘The Hellings House’…the home of the KW Woman’s Club… has free tours 10 am to 3 pm Tues. thru Sat. each week. NEW SHOP OPENS IN TOWN….SEAPLANE SHIRTS…at 910 Duval St…. created and founded by proprietor Schuyler Brown….She opened this shop just recently.. her Seaplane shops in Provincetown and Palm Springs are thriving!! Why not Key West. We LOVE wonderful new shops in town!!!! These collectible shirts each carry its individual name and limited production number….they are lovable works of art… like all the great folks in Key West!!! Welcome, Schuyler! It is great fun to spot these great shirts being worn all over town by Men AND Women!!! TROPIC CINEMA SEEKS VOLUNTEERS…..For info call John at 305-295-9493 or go to Training is provided. ‘Payment’ is free movie passes and popcorn for each shift worked. KEY WEST TROPICAL FOREST & BOTANIC GARDEN SEEKS BOARD MEMBERS… This non profit is looking for interested Board Members….particularly that of Treasurer … term is two years…..If interested send a letter to Key West Botanical Garden 5210 College Rd., Key West, FL 33040. Or email VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR REEF RELIEF….For info call 305-294-3100. NEED A DJ?….Call Jimmy Jamz at 305-923-7401 for great entertainment and music at your function or party!!! STAR OF THE SEA OUTREACH MISSION NEEDS VOLUNTEERS….To help with the food pantry on Stock Island….This mission serves hundreds of the community’s needy operating Mon-Fri. Call Donna at 305-407-5967 for info. SHAL SEEKS VOLUNTEERS…Southernmost Homeless Assistance League has begun serving an evening meal each day at the homeless shelter with food from the Soup Kitchen….Volunteers are needed to help. For info call John Miller at 502-876-5092. TENNESSEE WILLIAMS EXHIBIT:…..513 Truman Ave….This wonderful Museum is now open under the auspices of the Key West Art & Historical Society with founder, Dennis Beaver as its curator. Visitors and Locals are invited to tour this preserved and showcased collection of historic, archival objects that promote the importance of Williams’s legacy and offers the largest collection of his memorabilia and artifacts available to the public. Open daily from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm…. Admission: Adults $7. … Children under 6 Free…. KWAHS Members: Free… For more info call 305-204-4527. HUGH’S VIEW AT THE STUDIOS…..Over $300,000 has been raised for this project… but more is needed to make this dream a reality! Make donations to TSKW and indicate your donation is specifically for HUGH’S VIEW, and send to Jeffrey Ware at 1400 Olivia St., KW, 33040. This is a separate fundraiser from any others at The Studio. The plan is to create a lovely Rooftop Garden atop the new Studios Bldg on Eaton St… will provide a marvelous panoramic view of Key West…and since La Concha shut its doors to us, it will be most welcome indeed. For more info, contact Jeffrey at For those who are wondering who Hugh is…. He was the most adorable father of Jeffrey Ware, who left his mark in Key West….who loved it here, and who passed away, from this earthly home, but not from our hearts! Hoping to raise enough money to make Hugh’s View a reality…. And that we can all gather together, lift our glasses from atop the Garden, and toast to HUGH’S VIEW!!!!! KW TROPICAL FOREST & BOTANIC GARDEN, NEEDS VOLUNTEERS….To volunteer please call 305-296-1504. GRACE ON FRANCES STREET….This is a glorious shop at 6oo Frances….a lush newer addition to Key West’s upscale shopping scene…one of a kind items … spectacular jewelry….Japanese ceramics….cashmere from the Himalayas… the softest and finest you ever touched….Gorgeous items from India, Africa, the Orient, and Europe….a worldwide search to find the BEST of Everything’ for your pleasure. It offers luxury to the nth degree….you will feel with all your senses. Please stop by…take your time and savor everything within……open daily, at the corner of Southard! Owned by Wendy Asplundh, she of the exquisite taste… and her great and dedicated staff includes Samantha Rivier, Dorthe Thure, and Jolie Witherow. LA RUBIA KEY WEST….….Stephanie Hellstrom (THE Blonde!) is the owner of this new delightful shop at 510 Fleming St….next to Assortment….You can purchase hand woven Panama hats, handcrafted wearable accessories, and organic chocolates from Ecuador…. along with handbags, scarves, bamboo wraps, jewelry and more. What a pleasure it is to have some unique and interesting new shops in Key West!!! Congrats to Stephanie. Call 296-6059 for more details!!! TAKE STOCK IN CHILDREN ORG. SEEKS VOLUNTEERS…..This marvelous, award winning scholarship program mentoring group is looking for giving souls to help mentor 50 some qualified students from lower income families ….They cannot be admitted unless a volunteer steps forward. It takes less than an hour each week. Call Chuck Licis, program coordinator at 305-394-7974 or e-mail him at CUSTOM HOUSE & LIGHTHOUSE MUSEUMS ARE SEEKING VOLUNTEERS…If you have a few hours to offer as a docent, archives asst., exhibit builder, or event volunteer, please offer your services!________________________________________________________________________ **THE SCORPIO PERSONALITY…OCTOBER 23 THROUGH NOVEMBER 22 ** I am starting this by saying that some of my best friends are Scorpios….as well as my very best friend, my dear husband Bob! They are an amazing group….terrific company and possess a fantastic sense of humor. That being said, Scorpios view life in a very emotional and intense way….and they find it very difficult to express profound feelings that they have. Scorpios keep their deep feelings buried under the surface. They have an innate need for privacy and secrecy making them reluctant to let people know how they feel. This sign is often viewed as being obsessive and it is true that a Scorpio takes things quite seriously. They are happiest when they are able to concentrate their energies in particular directions, because they need to feel emotionally involved in everything they do. Otherwise life loses its meaning and purpose. Once a Scorpio has made up their mind about something, it is very hard to persuade them to change it. They often have fixed ideas about all sorts of things and can take a very hard line over such topics as capital punishment and imprisonment. Despite a Scorpio’s natural loyalty, if you push them too far or double cross them in some way, they will never forget it and they will never forgive you. They will probably give you the cold shoulder to exact their revenge. It is wise not to get on the wrong side of a Scorpio! A Scorpio’s magnetic charm and powerful personality attract many fans. People love the fact that ‘still waters run deep’….and when a Scorpio is silent, everyone wonders what they are thinking and go to great lengths to find out. They know there is lots more going on under the surface than the Scorpio will reveal. Love is an area that can cause problems for Scorpios as they take it so seriously. There is nothing superficial about members of this sign, and as a result they need relationships that are deep and satisfying. One night stand and brief flirtations quickly lose their charm…the Scorpio is looking for something more significant than that, and when they find it they will channel all their energies into it. They do demand a great deal from their partner, with love and loyalty at the top of the list. One big Scorpio problem is jealousy and another is possessiveness. If a Scorpio has been hurt in the past, it can be very hard for him to resolve these issues. Sex and Scorpio go together like bread and butter. They place such great importance on sex because it is such a good way for them to express their feelings. The best signs for a Scorpio are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo another Scorpio and Leo. What a Scorpio does for a living must have meaning and purpose, needing to feel emotionally involved in their career. Otherwise they will feel unhappy and dissatisfied. They must believe their work is meaningful…nothing demeaning or boring for them! They will pour all their energies into their work wanting to do something that provides endless interest and stimulation. Scorpios also love to know what’s going on…so they are the eyes and ears enjoying sharing the latest gossip and intrigue. It is important for them to get on well with their colleagues and that they work in a comfortable atmosphere. They need positions of power, even though it may be minor…..the thought that everyone else has control but them is devastating! Scorpios are attracted to law, science, detective work, medicine, research and the like. They also get great satisfaction from working in the wine trade…especially if they can attend lots of wine tastings. Scorpios need more money than most…as financial security is very important to them….they also enjoy the power that comes with money. Living comfortably is of utmost important to the Scorpio…..In their hearts they know they should have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth…. And if they were not to the manor born, they will do everything in their power to achieve that status symbol. Investing and accumulating are important to the Scorpio…they are canny investors and love playing the stock market. WE LOVE OUR MARVELOUS SCORPIO FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERS!!!!! HAPPY SCORPIO BIRTHDAY TO….. 10/23….Larry Eynon….Jack McDonald…Tom Lavender….….Barbara Corns….Neil Chamberlain…Jordan Cisneros…Lili Morgan…(Please remember Kyle Caskey.) 10/24….Michael Stewart….Sandy Swan…..Dustan Carpenter…..Steve Sonstein….…….Chris Case….Priscilla Cox…Daniel Horwath…..….(Please remember Eddie Harris and Tom Ruppell.) 10/25…..Cori Convertito….…Mike Guadagno….Jackie Lorber….Jane Wurst…..Jill Caldwell …Fred Stevens Jr…..Marion LaBella… Mark Frechette… Bruce Wilson …..Vicki Nelson Dunbar…..(Please remember Randy Baird.) 10/26…..Julian Keith Strickland…Gary McDonald…Gerry Bernat…..Kim Rettenwander…Christina Boros…..Jan Kruger… Nina Newton …. Arlene Medora… 10/27…..Michael Meyer… 10/28…..Rosi Ware…. Jeremy Zoma…..Jimmy Harcup…..Dorian Patton….Wendy Allen… 10/29…..Sally De Haven …..Jason Gainey…Shelly Bell…Donna Heid…Lyle Miller…..Noranne Flanagan ….. 10/30…Tom Callahan…..Dean Walter…Kelly Koenig …..Jim Marquardt …. Dan Lotten …..Rhonda Florence…Ron Saunders…George Livengood 10/31…..Michael Mulligan….Kenny Weschler…..Saundra Parker….. Bill Ogle …..Ed Walters ….Brad Buck…..Joan Long … 11/1…..Eric Haley…Justin Kawaller…Erika Butters….Campbell Cawood…..Raquel Crummit ….Donna Pezzi ….Alexis Larsen…..Barbara Nimesheim ……Damian Stout…. (Please remember Leonard Domski…. Judy Mack….. Sherry Carten …. And Jim Tober.) 11/2…..Hilary Dolbeare…Richard Grusin….Maria Bootle….. Sue Interdonato…. Bert Butler….. Christopher Frechette … 11/3…..Terrence McNally…..Wynetka Ann Reynolds …..Norma Wiebe…John Boutte…. Margaret Glenn… 11/4….Virginia Panico ….Bob Rafanelli…Teresa Hoover…Jeremy Wilkerson…..Giancarlo Espinosa…..Marty Manesa… (Please remember Adare Fritz…..) 11/5…..Steven Murray Smith…Dennis Zacek…Garry Kaich…Jeff Armor….Rick Holtz…(Please remember Roger Westerlund….Anna Sabol….) 11/6…..Nancy Corbett… Lynn Daum….. Jeffrey Thacker …(Please remember Carol Chase.) 11/7…..Jennifer Badry…Elmira Leto …. Roger Emmons…. Dave Kapela…. (Please remember Richard Kemble.) 11/8….. Nick Doll…Francie McKenzie….. Lance Morris….Kimmee Napier …. 11/9…..Drew Wenzel…Diane Shelby…Susie Savitch… Gary Young…. Kim Wilkerson….. Megan Clay … Kenneth Machor…Vanna Robbins….. Carlo Denny… (Please remember Wink Gasser.) 11/10…..Bobby Nesbitt…Richie Spada…Jim Grant…Cynthia Dresow….Erin Stover-Sickman… Mick Kilgos….Trent Riedel ….. (Please remember Nancy Nolan and Judy Wood.) 11/11….Jim Scholl…..Dominique Berrera…..Juanita Green….. Wendy French….Colleen Needham….Mark Sciarello … Nancy Lamkin ….. 11/12…..Evan Corns…Brian Savitch …Cassie McGee….. Amanda Kruel … Lindsay Collins …Marion Fetchik….Dolores Boff…Neil Young…..Tom Rybicki…Jim Domagalski…Douglas Gerenger …..(Please remember Bernice Schuckert.) 11/13….BOB FRECHETTE……Perry Arnold….Diamond Dave Gonzalez…..Aaron Wright …..Jarred Bishop…Sherry Read …..Carol Orzech… Joyce Foliano….(Please remember Rick Pierce.) 11/14….Jerry Galeana….Doug Lafferty…Chuck Hammond… John Pattillo ….Beverly Goldner …. Larry Wood….Phillip Cole White…Lottie Domski…. 11/15…..Frantz Cahoon…Fred Troxel … Holly Ilaqua Diamond…..Joe Kiely ….. 11/16…..Michael Pelkey…Danny Crespo …..Ashley Hoover…Darla Snyder … Rick Ramsay… Ellen Caron….. Robyn Whitehead…..Matthew Domski. 11/17…..John Wells….Roberta Fine….Michael Soddy…Ruth Wolkowsky Greenfield….Darla Walter…. 11/18…..Christopher Peterson …..Rusty Hodgdon…Lee Garrison……Allison Mayer…..Scott Armstrong…Matt Rawls… Leila Garcia … Sharon Van Nostran….. 11/19…..Sherry Sweet-Tewell…Gene Kennedy….. Donald Hinckley …Joe Dooley….. 11/20…..Larry Abramovitz….Ginny Doebler…Kevin Hoyes…David Bray…Sam Willmott…Suzanne Moore… Stacy Beaver …Don Stout…, 11/21…..Terry Schmida…Barbara Ross…..Paul Foster…Amy Stevens… Kevin Dickard…(Please remember Leonard Szalkiewicz.) 11/22…..Lauren Thompson…..Dennis Hudson…Lucinda Emmett…Jenifer Kruskamp…Dennis Picopink….Mimi Burke …B.J. Hooks….. HAPPY SCORPIO ANNIVERSARY TO…. 10/24…..Shirrel & Diane Brady Rhoades….Claudia & Craig Pennington 10/25…..Dana & Stan Day….. 10/17….. Elizabeth Jo & Joe Dallas Sr. 10/27….. Elizabeth & Joe Dallas Sr….. Donna Stabile & Gary Rivenson….. 10/28….Cindy & Ty Cobb 10/30…Lucina & Jeremy Emmett 11/2…..Donna Barnett & Terri White 11/3…..Cathy & Paul Kahn… 11/4… Matthew & Marge Sabol 11/5…. Steve Richardson & Bert Butler… Rita & Jim Bof… 11/6…. Christine Cordone & Larry Smith 11/7….Maribell & Johnny Maschal…..Vicki & Jim Grant 11/10….Daniel Schiavone & Brett Gordon 11/11… Jill Caldwell & Richard Frost…..Mike & Kelly Stallard 11/12….Melody Moore & Bob Bowersox…. 11/14…Amanda & Austen Harrison 11/15….Jim Morris & Bob Wood 11/16….Megan & Michael Behmke 11/17….Sue and Dennis Blake…Alison Teal & Sam Brown… 11/18…..Janice & Ross Elwell… Drew & Jose Wenzel…. 11/19…Suzanne & Wish Washburn…Lynn & David Ruthenberg 11/20…Pat & John Bollinger 11/21….Fran & Ron Chmura…. (Please remember Charlotte & Bill Ryan.) WISHING ALL SCORPIOS A WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY….and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ALL CELEBRATING DURING THIS SPECIAL TIME!!!!! If you are not on my lists and would like to be included, please send me the month and day of your occasion, birthday & anniversary if applies, and I will add you…send to me at If you are one of those Scorpios, please let me know if any of the above description pertains to you in any way! Thanks a lot….Love and best wishes to ALL…..Lynda |
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