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Wedding Planner Key West

Wedding photography by Gail Hollenback, Abracadabra Productions

Wedding photography by Gail Hollenback, Abracadabra Productions

Tips on selecting a Key West Wedding planner

When you begin to plan your Key West wedding, you’ll appreciate the amount of effort it requires to plan an elaborate party, and how much time! Many brides simply haven’t the time or the desire to organize their own weddings and they choose to hire a wedding planner. On the other hand, there are those couples who love the excitement of orchestrating everything on their own, and some brides have a few compulsive issues with it (you know if you are one!) Other Key West brides are budget conscious, and they put together their own Key West wedding believing that they are saving a lot of money that they can put into the food and beverages of the event. Over eighty percent of brides think that hiring a professional Key West wedding planner is a luxury. In the long run, it’s not.

Investigate – contact several Key West wedding planners and learn what services each can provide.

Then, decide for what you will need help. The Day of the ceremony or taking care of the entire event. A Key West wedding planner will be of help for the following:

Budget and design, choice of the site/venue, orchestration of the rehearsal, reception coordination, vendor over site, food menu choices and catering discussion, florist, food and cake tasting, hotel accommodations, wedding invitations, design, and creative activity, map cards, menus, place setting cards, and wedding programs, announcements and RSVP coordination , seating arrangements, and place cards.

Estimate your Key West wedding budget. Can you afford the services of a planner? It’s much cheaper than you imagine and a lot less trouble. Many Key West wedding planners also offer packages for any budget, large or small.

Before you come to Key West, make appointments with 3 wedding planners along with a check list for your interviews.

Meet with the Key West wedding planner at her office or in a location that is quiet, private and comfortable. She will also be able to suggest a Key West wedding photographer or Key West wedding videographer. An excellent choice for both of these is Abracadabra Productions.

Ask questions about their personal experiences, credentials, certifications, kick-backs from hired vendors and mark-ups and make your decision.

Then, schedule your meeting with your wedding planner and enjoy your wedding without worries.


Florida Keys wedding photography

Key West wedding photographer

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