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Thursday | March 13, 2025

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DEAR READERS…Hoping you all enjoyed the Eclipse…though only at 46% visibility here in Key West, it was, nevertheless, quite amazing.  I was shocked at how nearly impossible it was to find the necessary protective glasses.  Thank goodness my dear friend, Bobby Nesbitt, found them at The Circle K on N. Roosevelt.  My husband was able to snap up two of the last five pair they had for sale.  I also thank TJ Fridy for giving me some suggestions for eclipse viewing in case we couldn’t find the glasses.  Very nice of you to reach out. 


SAYING GOODBYE TO TOM THAYER.  Tom has been a great part of the Waterfront Playhouse since 2016.  First he was the Business Mgr., and then. when Danny Weathers retired and moved to CA, we thought it was the ‘end of the world’ …But Danny shared that Tom Thayer had  actually run a Theater for 30 + years and Voila!  Tom stepped in to  become the Artistic Director in 2018.  It had been an honor to serve on the Board with Tom.  He has dedicated his heart and soul to the Playhouse.  To list just some of his amazing accomplishments….during his tenure, he has had countless sold out shows, including, Young Frankenstein (broke all box office records!).  Other SOLD OUT shows were Lady Day at Emerson Bar…. Kinky Boots…. Escape to Margaritaville… Rocky Horror Show…. Shout… Hair …. Priscilla Queen of the Desert …. Singin’ in the Rain (95% sold out)….Matilda…(featuring dozens of children) along with  many Youth Productions.  When Covid shut us all down and things seemed so bleak… he created 2 dozen Radio shows and kept actors active and  involved!  Facing many a crisis, Tom always rose above the obstacles with his positive and creative spirit.  He was brilliant at assembling fabulous casts…and finding new actors who have fallen in love with Key West and the Waterfront Playhouse, and are now champing at the bit to perform on our stage.  Thanks to Tom for everything… for great shows… and good friendship.  We are wishing Tom and John a glorious time in Costa Rica…. and we now welcome new Managing Artistic Director, Patrick New with open arms and open hearts!  As the song goes… Everything Old is NEW again!   And now it’s on to another Waterfront Playhouse Era!!!!!

HEAD’S UP ON EVENT FOR DEAR FR. JOHN BAKER…APRIL 29…..There will be a Mass of Thanksgiving to honor Fr. John on Monday APRIL 29 at 5 pm at The Basilica of St, Mary Star of the Sea.  Following, will be a reception with refreshments in the Stations of the Cross Garden.  PLEASE RSVP BY CALLING THE RECTORY AT 305-294-1018. ALL INTERESTED IN MAKING A GIFT DONATION FOR THE FUTURE SUPPORT OF FR. BAKER MAY DO SO AT THE RECTORY…or IN THE GARDEN DURING THE RECEPTION.  Please make all checks payable to Key West Retired Catholic Priest Fund, Inc.  Great News is that there are plans in effect to ascertain that Fr. John will remain in Key West and the donations given to this fund will go toward this endeavor.  Please be generous as he has been so very kind, loving, giving, welcoming and generous to everyone he has encountered.

WITH GREAT SADNESS…. We were deeply saddened to hear about the passing of one of Key West’s most fabulous and amazing Grande Dames….. SHIRLEY FREEMAN… on April 6.  She was such a beloved Key West Force… a dynamo and a true inspiration to everyone who were blessed to know her.  We will always treasure our many warm and wonderful memories of the honorable, classy, caring, and fearless SHIRLEY FREEMAN!  A Celebration of Life will be held at Williams Hall, 729 Fleming St. at 5 pm on MAY 14.  In lieu of flowers, donation made to honor Shirley Freeman’s memory, can be made to The Community Foundation of the Florida Keys for the Shirley Freeman/Harvey Server Environmental Fund.   Address of The CFFK is 300 Southard St., Suite 201, Key West, FL 33040.  Our hearts ache for Harvey Server and the entire family.
AT TAVERN N TOWN… APRIL 15, 22, 29…Rob DiStasi performs from 5 to 9 pm.


BLUE HEAVEN,,,,,, APRIL 15…. 10 AM TO 1 PM…Jessica Wachs Trio with  with Lee  Venters and Mike Dennis.  

LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB ON APRIL  15, 22, 29..Music from 5:30-7:30 pm…It’s Bob Wasson at the Piano…..821 Duval St ….8-11 pm, it’s Jazz Jam with Skipper Kripitz, Larry Smith & Joe Dallas..8 to 11 pm.

THE GARDENS HOTEL MONDAY..APRIL  15, 22, 29…from 5 -7 pm it’s Mary Spear entertaining ….526 Angela St. 


MY BLOG ALSO STILL ON CONCHTV.COM……You can  go to and get my complete blog ….also the recent Birthday and Anniversary Lists and other info including my photo!!!! 

CONGRATS TO GAYLA MORGAN….Ultra talented singer, musician, playwright and lyricist, Gayla Morgan  has good news to share.  Her musical, MARY-A MUSICAL, will have a 2 week developmental workshop in North Hollywood  in July of 2024…thanks to Jessica Schneiderman of modern Opera Company in Los Angeles, who will help move this project forward.    Now we can only hope and pray that more good things happen with this musical that Gayla has given her heart to.

SCHOONER WHARF.. APRIL 15, 22, 29…Raven Cooper 12- 5 pm…..Joe the Show …. from 6:30-11 pm. 
AVOID TICKET SCAMS…. The Key West Theater is advising everyone to be aware of ticket scammers out there  before you learn the hard way.  For ticketing questions or legitimacy of ticket sellers contact the Box Office at the KW Theater,  Purchasing tix from unverified sellers could result in fake tix and scams.

HUGH’S VIEW AT THE STUDIOS, MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS… Open from 6 to 8 pm.. Bar…. Great Views thanks to Hugh!!!!  (I love that the name Hugh has ‘HUG’ as its first three letters…he was so huggable!)

BRIA ANSARA PERFORMS  ON MONDAYS, TUES. & WED.  AT BOURBON ST. PUB from 8:30- 10:30 PM. Bria is a brilliant and wonderful singer!!!! (and an Aqua Idol finalist!!!!)


‘THE BIRD DROP’ OPEN MIC….APRIL 22… Every 4th Monday of the month, Rumble Productions introduces this new open mic event to try everything from comedy to singing to poetry!  at The Birdcage Cabaret at Aquaplex on Angela St.  8:30 pm.   Comedian Gwen Filosa hosts this, the fourth Monday of each month.  Laurie Thibaud hosts the second Monday of each month.  Event created by Jess Wachs.


THESE PLACES ADVERTISE DEALS  FOR A LIMITED TIME…. SO PLEASE CALL TO CHECK THAT THIS SPECIAL IS STILL IN EFFECT….SEVEN FISH…. 921 Truman Ave…..For a Limited time….20% locals discount on all food and wine and beverages with ID…  ALSO…. AT BOB’S at 532 Margaret St…. 20% Locals discount on ALL food and drink!… And THE PIER HOUSE IS also offering the same deal for Locals.

LATEDA.. …. Performing in the Crystal Room at Lateda at 9 pm is … The Randy Roberts LIVE! Show ….1125 Duval St.  To check on the  schedule go to the Lateda website.  Downstairs in the Lounge is the superb 3 SUM  who perform on Thursday thru Monday at 8:30 pm. And a new act on Tues. and Wed. at 8:30 pm.   And delish food too!!!!

KEY WEST THEATER, APRIL 22…. That Hippie Band at 7 pm, in the back Listening Room….

HEAD’S UP ON ANNUAL QUEEN MOTHER PAGEANT….. MAY 13….8 pm at The Key West Theater…. Get tix now….these always go quickly….so act now.

SOME RESTAURANT NEWS…. A new Bar is taking over Smokin’ Tuna’s spot in the MAIN building.  (Tuna is not moving to the spot on Duval that is under renovation.)  They are expanding their current backyard patio to create a ‘new’ Smokin’ Tuna.  ALSO…..Off the Hook is closing because Square Grouper, of Cudjoe Key, bought the building to open a second Square Grouper restaurant in that Key West location.  

THE AQUANETTES PERFORM SHOWS EVERY SINGLE NIGHT…. Aqua Nightclub at 711 Duval St. is the place to see the most fabulous Drag Queens ….including …. FAITH … INGA …. ELLE … JESSICA… BEATRIX ……  MAYA …and  EPIPHANY!!!  Shows are  Monday and Tuesday at 9 pm….and from Wednesday thru Sunday, there are two shows…at 7 pm and 9 pm.  ..Reserve at  Aqua is open from noon to 2 am nightly…. drink specials… full menu… lunch specials…… call 305-294-0555…   Also at Aqua…. there is the Back Bar, the Side Bar , The BIRDCAGE CABARET….. the Outdoor Bar and Grill, and each has its own personality!!!!!  MIKE AND JOHN BARRETT are wonderful new owners and are doing super things at AQUA PLEX!! 

The venerable ANNE MCKEE (now 100) is presently residing at the  Palm Vista Rehabilitation Center at 5860 College Rd., Room 126,  Stock Island, FL 33040.    If  you have some time to pay her a visit I am sure she will welcome you.
RENOWNED KW ARTIST, RICK WORTH…. is also residing at the Rehab Center, in Room 121. I KNOW he too, would welcome a visit or a card or note.  He is making slow process after his stroke awhile back.  Note also that if you visit Rick, do not bring food as he is on a feeding tube.

ALSO….To contact me, direct all messages to,  I am interested in ALL  you may have to say.  Also, if you have any information that I could use in this blog, please send it to me and I will try to  include it next time. I need ALL info sent as concisely as possible and must come to me before Sunday at the end of the week… as my blog goes out on MONDAYS!!!!! (and sometimes Sunday night!)  If you want a copy of the recent Birthday/Anniversary List and Overview, let me know by emailing me at above address.

CHARITY BINGO AT GREEN PARROT…Monday at 7 pm… to benefit A WORTHY CAUSE…each and every week. 

VOTE BY MAIL….Please note that every person who wants a vote by mail ballot must request one EACH election cycle.    Request now for 2024 or check your vote by-mail-status at the following links.  Request a vote by mail ballot ….

KAREN BEAUPRIE WATERCOLOR CLASSES….at KW Art Center, 301 Front St…..every Monday thru March 25…. 10 am to 1 pm….All skill levels welcome.  Supply list found at  Register at 305-294-1241.  Karen is one of Key West’s most talented watercolor artists!

A PUN or LEXOPHILE FOR YOU….Somebody stole all my lamps.  I couldn’t be more de-lighted.
TUESDAY, APRIL 16,  2024


THE RED BARN PRESENTS…thru APRIL 27…. The new briskly entertaining play, “THE LIFESPAN OF A FACT”… …. stars the fabulous DAVE BOOTLE…. RITA TROXEL….AND CODY BORAH…..directed by Joy Hawkins.   SHOWTIME FOR THIS PRESENTATION IS 7 PM!!!!!!  Get tix now at or call 305-296-9911.  This is a thought provoking and fascinating play!!!!

TAVERN N TOWN…APRIL 16,…. Larry Smith entertains  from 5-9 pm… On APRIL 16, 23, 30….Carmen Rodriguez and James King 5-9pm. 

LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB., APRIL 16, 23, 30….5-7 pm, it’s TBD at the piano…. 8 to 11 pm, it’s Bluesday Tuesday with Larry Baeder and Co.  Great entertainment at 821 Duval St. … and delish food and drink too!

VIRGILIO’S ON APRIL 16.. 9 pm…The CRZB’S, with Skipper Kripitz, and vocals by Chris Toler….APRIL 16, AT 9 PM…. Skipper with Lee Sharpe and Marty Stonely. 

THE STUDIOS ON APRIL 16 & 17…. Otis Gibbs performs at 7 pm on April 16 and at 8 pm on April 17.  Get tix at  Listen to singer, painter, songwriter, storyteller.  Old Town New Folk Concert!

KARI WOLF ON APRIL 16…. Kari performs at General Horseplay on Caroline St.  from 6 to 9 pm. 

NEW SEASON AT TENNESSEE WILLIAMS WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON APRIL 16….6 pm…..The Producer’s Circle   members are invited to attend this highly anticipated REVEAL of the 24-25  Theatre Season that will be announced by MATTHEW RAWLS….If you are interested in becoming a part of this Circle, call 305-296-1520. 

WILLIAMS HALL CLOSING RECEPTION, APRIL 16 AT 5 PM….729 Fleming St.  ‘The Connections Project along with Making Music in the Keys’…featured.  Musicians, Bobby Nesbitt, Carmen Rodriguez, and Jillian Todd will entertain and share their love of living in the Keys.  Connection Paintings will be for sale.

COMEDY KEY WEST.. 218 Whitehead St…..Go to to get tix and see the monthly lineup…. Or call 305-985-7370.  Joe Madaus and Co. always have top notch comics to have your rolling in the aisles!!!!

SCHOONER WHARF…. APRIL 16, 23, 30….Noon to 5 pm, Gary Hempsey….6:30-11 pm, Marjory Lee.

THE GARDENS HOTEL TUESDAY…APRIL 16 23, 30..Gregory James…. entertaining from 5 to 7 pm in the Atrium.  526 Angela St. 

CONCH REPBULIC DAYS IN KEY WEST…The 42nd birthday of the Conch Republic is APRIL 19-28…. lots OF WILD AND WACKY FUN ACTIVITIES.  For complete schedule go to

SUPPORT JORDAN UPCHURCH’S CAMPAIGN RUNNING FOR MISS ISLAND QUEEN 2024!!!!  The delightful and talented, former Aqua Idol Finalist, is running for this Title .  This Event takes place on May 7th at The Key West Theater and is a benefit for Samuel’s House….Tix NOT on sale yet but if you would like to monetarily support Jordan NOW, the donation link is Note that Jordan has been paired with Qmitch as his Drag Mother!  

TOUR OF ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH EVERY TUESDAY AT 1:30 PM….. David Eyer conducts tours of the Nave at this beautiful and historic Church on Duval St at Eaton.   

WONDERFUL OLD TOWN HOUSE FOR RENT….Available  April, August and October….This home on Grinnell St.  is listed with a Realty  but if interested you can also TEXT ONLY,  Scott at 305-394-7060 for more details and info.  This is NOT for short term rentals.  


THE GARDENS HOTEL….APRIL 17, 24.The Kenny Albert Duo.  5-7 pm….

**AUDITIONS FOR RUMBLE PRODUCTIONS MUSICAL COMEDY SHOW, APRIL 17…6:30-9:00 pm at Williams Hall, 729 Fleming St.    (This show will occur the third week of June and benefits Queer Keys… Features, Jessica Wachs, Gwen Filosa, Theresa Chiechi, Aubrey Urban, with direction by John Swann. ) Additional cast members, comics, singers, etc. are being sought.  If you sing, write funny songs, write or act, like sketch comedy, etc.,  please audition. Please register at or go to   This is a great chance for new up and coming entertainers who have a dream and desire to perform…. maybe this audition will make your dream come true.    

HEMINGWAY IN A FUNNY WAY.. APRIL  17….Comic, James Scott Patterson presents a Comedy Show which is a tribute to the funny side of the life and works of Ernest Hemingway!  This unique and innovative show ranges from the tragic-comic, to the witty, wild and difficult to believe!  Showtime is 5:30-6:30 pm and ticket includes a c0mplimentary glass of Ernest’s fave white or red wine.   Get tix at  The Key West Comedy Club is located at 218 Whitehead St.

LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB….WEDNESDAY…APRIL 17….Karen Heins is at the piano from 5:30 to 7:30 pm……8 to 11 pm …..APRIL 17, JAMIE ROBERTS…APRIL 24…SUSAN CHASTAIN.  Jazz at its best.. 821 Duval…. the place to be and to be seen!!!…

‘LIFESPAN OF A FACT’ AT RED BARN…. THRU APRIL 27… TUES. THRU SAT. AT 7 PM!!!!!  Stars…. DAVE BOOTLE… RITA TROXEL AND CODY BORAH….. Get tix for this highly reviewed show at 305-296-9911 or go to  

AT TAVERN N TOWN…APRIL 17, 24… to 9 PM……. Mike Emerson…. entertains.

SCHOONER WHARF, APRIL 17, 24…. Tony Baltimore from noon to 5 pm…. Raven Cooper from 6:30-11 pm.

AQUA PLEX BACK BAR INDUSTRY NIGHT EACH WEDNESDAY…..6 pm till LATE…. 40% all drinks… 20% off food….

FAIRFIELD INN BACK PORCH…. 3852 N. Roosevelt Blvd…..APRIL 17 and 24…. Jessica Wachs and Larry Smith entertain with Jazz on the Back Porch!!!!  4 to 6 pm.  

****DAVE BOOTLE AT MANGOES….WEDNESDAY THRU SATURDAY EVERY SINGLE WEEK…… Enjoy this marvelous entertainer… one of Key West’s TRUE  GEMS….. and dance the night away… You are SURE to have the best time ever!  9 pm-till Midnight.  DON’T MISS!!!!!!…..Always a party with the amazing Dave the Great Bootle!!  We stopped in the other night and it was pure fabulousness!!!!!  So much fun.   

***”LOST IN YONKERS” OPENS IN PREVIEW AT WATERFRONT PLAYHOUSE, APRIL 24…. This Neil Simon play/comedy takes place in 1942…It involves a cast of complex and delightful Members of the Kurnitz Family and their adventures.  Never a dull moment as brother, Louie Kurnitz, a gangster henchman, shows up with nasty gangster, Hollywood Harry in pursuit.  Get tix now at or at or call 305-294-5015. Directed by new artistic director, Patrick New, with set design by Michael Boyer…. and a great cast including…. Carolyn Cooper, Jessica Miano Kruel, Mathias Maloff, Kathy Russ, Kenna Blackburn, Steve Schine and Davis Stack.

MUD-PI DINNER & STUDENT ART SHOW, APRIL 24…..Dinner starts 4-6 pm….in the Ceramics Studio at CFK on Stock Island….Features delish tastings created by the Culinary Students served in unique ceramic bowls created by student ceramists.  After is the Student Art show from 5- 7 pm….$40 if bought by April 19…$50 at the door.  Proceeds benefit the Mud-Pi ceramics and the Cookin’ Tugas  Get tix at 305-809-3186 Culinary clubs.  

HOT HAVANA NIGHT. APRIL 24…Dance Party and Silent Auction….at the Backyard Bar at KAYA, 610 Rear Duval St.  Early bird tix start at $20. Reserve a Private VIP table in advance.   Get info and reserve at

KEY WEST CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL ORG FOR WOMEN….APRIL 24…. Meeting at 5:30 pm at Brady’s Pub at 1800 Flagler Ave.  For info contact

KEY WEST THEATER, APRIL 24….. 8 pm…Turner Harrison…..get tix directly from KW Theater Box office. 

THE KEY WEST LIBRARY….EVERY WEDNESDAY… Hosts a free movie each Wed. at 2 pm.  700 Fleming St.  

WINE & WATERCOLOR WEDNESDAYS…. at The Perry Hotel…..Create your own painting with local artist Tracey Delellis… during the 5-7 pm Happy Hour….Your first drink is included with the class!  Located at 7001 Shrimp Rd., Stock Island!


CHANNING LYNN … APRIL 18.. and most every Thursday…Channing & Larry Smith Duo  perform from 4 to 7 pm… HEMINGWAY SOCIAL CLUB  & Rum Distillery at 201 Simonton St.  

FARMER’S MARKET… THURSDAYS……2 to 7 pm every Thursday….. … Produce, beverages, music, seafood, apparel, cheeses, gifts, art, books, etc…. fun…. At Truman Waterfront.   

LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB….THURSDAY, APRIL  18, 25.. Entertainment from 5:30–7:30 PM with the Kenny Albert Duo….Music at its best. !!!  8-11 pm it’s Skipper Kripitz, Raven Cooper & Joe Dallas.

AT THE GARDENS HOTEL EVERY THURSDAY….APRIL 18….Mike Dennis ….  From 5 to 7 pm,…

‘LIFESPAN OF A FACT’ AT RED BARN…. 7 pm thru APRIL 27…. Tix on sale NOW.   

SCHOONER WHARF, APRIL  18….. Noon to 5 pm, Andy Wescott…. 6:30-11 pm, Nick Brownell.

*AT TAVERN N TOWN..APRIL 18, 25… the multi-talented, Carmen Rodriguez performs with James King from 5-8 PM.

AL ROMANO PERFORMS EVERY THURSDAY….AT The Celtic Conch Public House, 528 Front St….He truly is our Key West Frank Sinatra!!!!!  5 to 7 pm…… good food….Happy Hour from 5-7 pm.   (Note that Al was one of our GREAT Waterfront Playhouse’s Aqua Idol!)  The Island Boys are usually on hand to sing  with Al!!!!


WALK ON WHITE.  APRIL 18…..6-10 PM…. Visit all the wonderful Galleries on White St., including Harrison Gallery and Stone soup Gallery……meet artists and enjoy refreshments while you browse and buy!  .

VIP SPEAKER SERIES AT COLLEGE ON APRIL 18….7 pm at Tennessee Williams Theatre…. Sarah Flangman will discuss managing the National Marine Sanctuary under stress and how researchers and the community have responded in novel ways to try to protect threatened resources.


‘LOST IN YONKERS’ GRAND OPENING ON APRIL 25…. At Waterfront Playhouse at 8 pm…. Great cast, directed by PATRICK NEW and set design by MICHAEL BOYER….. Get tix at or call  305-294-5015 or go to   This Neil Simon play/comedy will delight and warm your hearts.  

‘LES BALLETS TROCKADERO DE MONTE CARLO’ ON APRIL 25… One Night Only…. at Tennessee Williams Theatre…This is a Producers Circle Event…..Hilarious and Unique beyond words….This world-renowned troupe of male dancers present brilliant numbers…. en pointe, mind you!!!!  8 pm… Get tix at

KEY WEST THEATER…APRIL 25…..Verve Pipe at 8 pm….512 Eaton St.

BEREAVEMENT MEETINGS EVERY THURS…….If you are working through the grief process of losing someone dear, there is help for you.  Join this caring Support Group at 7:15 pm at the Klaus-Murphy Center at the Basilica of St. Mary Star of the Sea.  You are not alone….  God bless Velma Christian for her special ministry,_**

ARTS COUNCIL PRESENTS….’PAINT THE MUSIC & DANCE THE PAINT’…..Cuban Art Exhibit… at the historic Gato Bldg. 1100 Simonton St.5-7 pm….This artwork represents more than 25 Cuban artists, with 60 original works….all different and wonderful styles…Show continues thru May 1. Free parking available at the Gato Bldg.  

THANKFUL ON THURSDAY….I am grateful for many things and mostly for so many people who have touched my life in unique and special ways of late…Thanks to. ..Kristin Larkin Lo Gerfo and Peter Glicklich…..FR. JOHN BAKER….Carter and Caitlyn Weber…..Bobby Nesbitt….. TJ Firdy ……Peter Batty …..Lauren Thompson….Claire Caplan ….Tony Falcone…..Jenny Palmer…..Chris Elwell…Annie Miners…. Don Bearden …..Vicky Rowden & Greg Fisher ….. Lourdes….. Stuart & Susan Kaufman ….Mary Borrell & Gene Knudson ….Mary Ellen Beattie… Elise Irwi …..Mary Lynne Price…. …Patrick New ……Dave Bootle ….Mike & Jon Barrett … Jim Salini …. Billy Cartledge  and Jim Hall  …Helen & Ben Harrsion ….. Tom Thayer …. Johnny & Maribell Maschal ……Kevin & Donna Gallagher  …….The Island Boys & Miss Betty…..Jerry Galeana …Steve de Fer ….. John & Liz Cobley…. son, Rob Frechette  ….Robert and Elena Spottswood …Jerry Downs….Cliff Gregoire   ….Louis Petrone…..Al Romano   … Kate Miano……Bill Melchior……Fred Greenberg and June Hudson …..Jillian Tod…..Julie Jeffers …Matthew Rawls ….Carolyn Cooper …daughter, Melissa Lang …Mike Benner…..Marilyn Rintamaki…. Christopher Peterson   ….. Skipper Kripitz….. the Choir at St. Mary Star of the Sea …..Suzanne Moore…John Smyth…..Kate Regan & Ken Silverman …..All those praying for those in need  ….Craig and Gail Hollenback  …….. Nand Pandy ……Michael Boyer …and MOST of all my dearest husband BOB!!!!
FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 2024….


THE GARDENS HOTEL EVERY FRIDAY…APRIL  19,26..John Hobbins entertains .In the Atrium…. From 5 to 7 pm, …  526 Angela S (Till April).

BLUE HEAVEN ON APRIL 19…. 1o am…. Skipper Kripitz, Claire Caplan and Larry.

THE FAB SPECTRELLES AT TWO FRIENDS ON FRONT ST. ON FRIDAYS… 4:40-7 PM! … Allison Mayer is back a new spot… Two Friends Patio…. I understand that one of the new Spectrelles is her darling granddaughter!  Now isn’t that special???? 

LIFESPAN OF A FACT….AT RED BARN THRU APRIL 27….. Get tix now at 305-296-9911.

BILL MELCHIOR AT STOCK ROCK CAFE…APRIL 19, 26….At 5001 Fifth Ave.   Great place…lovely setting…music by Admiral Bill….He is taking on this gig that Jerry Downs delighted us with each week…Now Bill will do the SAME!!!!  6 to 8 pm.  (We bid Adieu to Jerry & Kathy Downs till next season!)

KEY WEST ART & HISTORICAL SOCIETY…New Exhibit, ‘FLORA & FAUNA: EARLY NATURALISTS IN FLORIDA”. at Custom House Museum at 281 Front St.  Exhibit will be on display until Sept. 13.    

BRIA ANSARA AT AQUAPLEX….APRIL  19, 26…This gifted singer performs from 3 to 5:30 pm….504 Angela St. 

MANGOES…. AT 4-7 PM…. Kari Wolf entertains…she is the best!  At 10:30 pm, she is at Irish Kevin’s from 10:30 pm till late.

AT WILLIAMS HALL…APRIL 19….8 PM…. Tony Elitcher, Andie Taras Concert with Skipper Kripitz, Joe Dallas, Izzy Zaldman plus a VERY special guest.  Get tix at  Tickets for show only OR for Show and Dinner before the show at 6 pm…. at the Hall with Chef Martha at the Unity Table upstairs. 729 Fleming St.
SCHOONER WHARF, APRIL 19….Tony Baltimore from noon to 5 pm…. Ross Brown Band from 6:30- 11:30 pm. 

BENEFIT FOR THE CFK FOUNDATON…APRIL 19… 5:30-7:30 pm… A Roaring 20’sd Goodtime Speakeasy… at the Tennessee Williams Theatre on Stock Island….To benefit the programs of CFK Academy Charter High School.  Tix are $75….Food and cash bar….entertainment…Great Auction Items.  Get tix at  

AT TAVERN N TOWN  …FRIDAY. APRIL 19, 26…. Mike Emerson entertains in the Lounge!   

LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB…..FRIDAY….APRIL 19..5:30 to 7:30 PM……John Allcock..  821 Duval St….At 8-11pm…  It’s the super cool Ericson Holt……..Smooth jazz at this top spot.  

****LAST SHOW OF BEN HARRISON AT KEY WEST THEATER… APRIL 19…. If you haven’s seen this great show, please do yourself a favor an get tix NOW!!!!!!   Ben Harrison is definitely a  wonderful legend-in-his-own-time singer/songwriter/entertainer, and he performs his show of original songs at 7 pm in the Back Listening Room at The Key West Theater at 512 Eaton St.    Ben has been  performing his songs to sold out audiences all season.  He truly captures the essence of old Key West that he knows so very well.  He is a master story-teller and folk singer extraordinaire.  Get tix at 533 Eaton St. 

THE STUDIOS ON APRIL 26 & 27…..’KING TIDE’ a new work by Conch author and playwright, Michael Marrero, presents this show at 533 Eaton St.  Get tix at

STARRY NIGHT STARGAZING CRUISE ON APRIL 26 & 27….  Get aboard the Schooner America 2.0…9:15-11 pm…Featuring guided tour of the heavens by NASA solar systems ambassador, KEVIN GALLAGHER!!!! 

KEY WEST THEATER…..THE WALLFLOWERS APRIL 26…. 8 PM… 512 Eaton St.  Do NOT get scalped… Get tix directly from the KW Theater.

BENEFIT AT LILY PULITZER…. APRIL 26….This shop at 600 Front St., will donate 10% of all sales to A POSITIVE STEP OF MONROE COUNTY to help fund the Idle Hands Summer Youth Employment Program  For more info about this program go to  Or contact Billy Davis at   

‘BUY SEATS’ AT THE WATERFRONT PLAYHOUSE!  …A really special gift idea to honor someone very special in your life….. is to Buy a Seat at the Waterfront Playhouse.  Just call the Box Office and ask for Patrick New and he will give you the details.  This is a great way to celebrate  and memorialize  a special friend, or relative…or yourself!….A ‘plate’ with the name of the person you are honoring, will be placed on the armrest of a seat of your choice.  (Note we are happy to have our ‘plates’ on Seats B 2 and 4.)  Call Patrick at 305-294-5015.


21st TREE GIVEAWAY….FREE shade trees for Keys Energy Services Customers ….8:30 am….until the last tree finds a home!  AT 1001 James St. and also at 755 Blimp Rd. in Cudjoe Key.  First come first served.  Get choice of 2 Trees.  

BLUE HEAVEN… APRIL 20.. 10 am…Skipper Kripitz and the HOAGYS

 Re MARC able DANCERS AT THE STUDIOS, APRIL 20…..4 PM….Narrated by Steve Burns of Blues & Cues….Headed by Kyla Piscopink… Residents and those associated with The MARC House will perform their remarkable Dance routines … joyful, emotional and moving.  Get tix at  

SOUTHERNMOST BEACH RESORT….6 PM…. “Circus of the Sea”… A Family of Acrobats and Aerialists will present a Pirate Themed Show with stunts, skits, humor, drinks, snacks, face painting, flips, and delight…. $30,  Get tix at

LITTLE ROOM ON…APRIL  20….. 5:30-7:30  pm.. It is vocalist TBA…..From 8 to 11 pm, it’s ..Skipper, Dave Dalston & Mike Emerson…Great Jazz GUARANTEED!!!!  821 Duval St. 

‘LIFESPAN OF A FACT’…AT RED BARN…Get tix now at 305-296-9911 or go to  

AT TAVERN N TOWN…SAT, APRIL 20, 27…. Carmen Rodriguez and James King  entertain from 5-9 pm. APRIL 20, It’s Larry Smith at the piano and vocals.

SPEAKER SERIES AT KW TROPICAL FOREST & BOTANICAL GARDEN…APRIL 20….1 PM… 5210 College Rd., Stock Island.  Speaker is Leigh Coolidge, VP of KW Orchid Society….Theme is ‘To Save an Orchid’….$5 for non-members…Free for members.

FREE MOVIE NIGHT ON APRIL 20….At American Legion Post 28 at 5610 College Rd., Stock Island… 7 pm….Movie is “Ordinary Angels”….. Food and drink will be available to purchase.

SCHOONER WHARF, APRIL 20… Noon to 5 pm, Nick Brownell…. 6:30- 11:30 pm, Ross Brown Band.

AT THE REACH…MOST EVERY SATURDAY….. The ultra talented, Belle Jampol  entertains at The Reach Hotel, Four Marlins, on Simonton St., from 10 am -2 pm. (Was she hilarious in Singing in the Rain of what?) 

MOTE MARINE LAB OCEAN FEST, APRIL 20…..10 am to 3 pm at Truman Waterfront Park…all ages invited …crafts, games, music, food, brews and shopping…Exhibits.

THE GARDENS HOTEL…EVERY SATURDAY ….APRIL 20. 27…From 5 to 7 pm, Bobby Green entertains in the Atrium at The Gardens.  Always FREE to attend. 526 Angela St.

KEY WEST JAZZ SOCIETY DUO ON APRIL 20…. With Channing Lynn and Larry Smith…. at Hemingway Social Club, 6-9 pm….201 Simonton St.   

CONCH REPUBLIC DRAG RACES, APRIL 20…. From 2:30-5 pm….Held on the 700  Block of Duval St. All contestants must be in HEELS and look somewhat like a Woman!   Anyone can enter…Registration is FREE. 

BOOKS & BOOKS…. APRIL 27….At the Studios….10 am to 6 pm…’Independent Book Store Day’……Giveaways, exclusive products and more….At 6:30 pm…. There will be an author reading by Lydia Millet, of book, “We Loved it All”….at the PEAR HOUSE Courtyard at 529 Eaton St.

EARTH & ARBOR DAY CELEBRATION WITH ECO FAIR…APRIL 27….At KW Trop. Forest & Botanic Garden & the City of KW invite you to this Event…. 10 am to 2 pm…….Workshops, Docent tours,…FREE to attend and features a raffle at 1 pm…5210 College Rd. on Stock Island.   

KENTUCKY DERBY EVENT..MAY 4… at 5 pm at The Gardens Hotel…Best Hat contest…Mint Juleps…$25 at door…benefits the KW Mounted Police.  526 Angela St.

ALL WRITERS, OR ASPIRING WRITERS TAKE HEED… SATURDAYS……..Maybe this is the year you will write your memoir…poetry…short story….essay…..or maybe even the great American Novel !!!!!   You are invited to join the Writer’s Guild.  Meetings are the second and last Saturday of the month.. on Meetings are in the rec room at Key West By the Sea at 2601 S. Roosevelt Blvd. from 10 am to 1 pm.  Enter by gate to the left of the flagpoles.  You will benefit from constructive criticism, help in publishing and social mingling with like-minded people of all ages.  For more info contact Joanna at 305-570-8239. 

CHRISTOPHER PETERSON AT AQUA NIGHTCLUB!!! ..This new addition to Nightlife in Key West is a DO NOT MISS!!!!!   The shows we have attended have been  Super Sensational!  Christopher is having the time of his life putting together amazing shows at his new BIRDCAGE CABARET!!!  Extravagant Production numbers with Aquanette Showgirls…..Elaborate and posh costumes that are simply  AWESOME!!!!!….  Special guest vocalists bring down the house….but…   Of course Christopher Peterson is the Shining Star… working the stage, the audience, the room with his every word and move!   This is one classy spot… Gilded mirrors, velvet canopies…. sublime lighting…. terrific sound system ….All adds to a marvelous and memorable “Out on the Town!”   For tickets….Google Aqua Plex website and then hit Reservations and then click on BIRDCAGE CABARET…then choose your dates.  Congratulations to Christopher Peterson for producing, directing, writing, designing, and starring in THIS TRULY  wonderful new Show of Shows!!!!!  And thanks galore to Mike and Jon Barrett for everything they are doing  to make this happen!  It is just the perfect  Key West Show!

CONGRATS TO THE WATERFRONT PALYHOUSE ON A WONDERFUL RUN OF “MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS”!!!!!  The amazing Cast knocked it out of the park …. Bravo to.. DAVID BLACK  as Hercule Poirot… and also to Dominic Paolillo, Glenda Donovan, Jessica Miano Kruel, Barbara Mundy, Morgan Fraga Pierson, Mathias Maloff, Cassidy Timms, Karl Stahl, and Ray West…ALL WONDERFUL!  Congratulations to director, Tom Thayer, and set designer, Michael Boyer!  This was Tom Thayer’s final production  as Artistic Director and he did another marvelous job!  He will be very missed at The Waterfront Playhouse, but new AD, Patrick New, will seamlessly take over, and he promises to bring back Tom now and then to direct at the WP.  (That is, if Tom can break away from surfing in Costa Rica!!!)  Thanks to all those who audience members who made ‘ORIENT’ a grand success!
SUNDAY,  APRIL 21  2024 ….



LITTLE ROOM JAZZ CLUB, APRIL 21.. 5:30-7:30 pm, it’s the delightful Michael Thomas performing …….. From 8-11 pm, It’s Channing Lynn  and Irish Phenom, Gabriel Donohue, teaming up with Skipper Kripitz.. 821 Duval St.

MANGOES AT 8-11 PM..APRIL   21, 28……Kari and Jack Wolf perform!!! 


RUMBLE PRODUCTIONS AT THE BIRDCAGE CABARET, APRIL 21 & 28….9 to 11 PM…….called ‘FLIP THE BIRD CABARET’…. featuring Jessica Wachs, with Larry Smith and Lee Venters… For info go to  

SCHOONER WHARF, APRIL 21….NOON TO 5, Sam Carlson… 6:30-11:30 pm, Marjory Lee…

KEY WEST ARTISAN MARKET NOW OPEN EVERY SUNDAY THROUGH APRIL…. 10 am to 2 pm….There are special themes for every week.    FREE to attend and FREE parking.  Please bring your own bags.  Visit Facebook for more info.  Held across the street at Clarence Higgs Memorial Beach …. Drinks,  music, vendors galore, jewelry, hand-crafted items….orchids, cheeses, food of all kinds, pickles from the Pickle Barons, authors…and lots of fun and good deals….. 

AT TAVERN N TOWN .. APRIL 21 and 28….Mr. Cool,  Rob Di Stasi entertains, from 5 to 9 pm…..

MANGOES DRUNKEN DRAG BRUNCH.. SUNDAYS. NEXT ONE IS APRIL 21…. Talented Jimmy Harcup is the super duper HOST!!!!  Doors open at 11…showtime is promptly at 12:30 pm…. Reservations needed at  Tix are presently $50 but the popularity of this event will make the prices go higher I am sure!   This amount includes bottomless Mimosas!  A fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon in Key West!!!  The remainder of the Brunch Dates this season are: …..May 12…June 9…. July 7….Oct. 20….Nov. 17….Dec. 15.  Take your houseguests to this very fun and unique Brunch!   

WILLIE WONKA CHOCOLATE FESTIVAL, APRIL 21….. At Southernmost House from 11 am to 3 pm….

CONCH REPUBLIC DAYS CRAFT FAIR, APRIL 21…. From Greene to Eaton St.  Go to for info.

GARDEN ART…OPENS APRIL 28…. At the KW Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden…. runs thru July 31.  This event showcases local art & sculptures that are earth friendly.  Located at 5210 College Rd. on Stock Island.  10 am to 4 pm daily.  For info call 305-296-1504. 

THE MUSIC ROOM’S 44TH IDS HELPING KIDS CONCERT… APRIL 28.AT 5 pm, at Tennessee Williams Theatre, 5901 College Rd.  Theme is POP AROUND THE WORLD,  36 + music students will perform under the direction of Robin Kaplan.  Musicians are Skipper Kripitz, Joe Dallas…with performances by Rolando Rojos, Belle Jampol, Nina Rettenwander, and Gregory James.  Tix are $20.  Benefits Take Stock in Children.

***A SPECIAL GIG TO SPREAD JOY AT POINCIANA GARDENS.. If you are interested in  performing for the residents at Poinciana Gardens, for approximately 45 minute to an hour during the 4 to 6 pm time slot, please contact Sandy Higgs at 305-797-6992 and please leave a message if she does not answer with your contact info.  Her email is  You can also contact Ed Swift’s office at 305-294-4142 and leave a message with Hope, Ed’s assistant. This is a paying job.  Note that the divine BOBBY NESBITT volunteers his time and talent EVERY Thursday at 5 pm… and raves about how much fun it is and that it’s his favorite thing to do in town!!  Maybe you can help out once a week …maybe once per month….they are flexible… Let them know and also if you need access to a piano or not… or if you bring your own instrument, etc.  Thank you…Spread the love and the joy!  


PLEASE SEND ME ANYTHING YOU NEED TO BE PROMOTED….. AND … I will do my BEST to include in future blogs!  Need it by next Sunday afternoon!!!!
 LOVE TO YOU..AND REMEMBER…Listen to your feelings….they are trying to tell you something.


PS  I recommend double checking some of the venues to make sure the person you want to see is actually there the night you intend to go.  Schedules often are subject to change.


THE PRAYER CHAIN……… Please include prayers for…..Harvey Server and the family and friends of Shirley Freeman….Fr. John Baker……Bryan Green & the friends of Tony Konrath…….Ken Gipe……Patricia Sell…..Larry Eynon…. Johnny and Maribell Maschal….the repose of the soul of Paul Clift…. Pat West….Dena Badgerow  ….. Velma Christian . ….Donna Barnett … …..Claude Reams….Kathy Lash…….. Michael Pelkey… Rick Worth…….Fred and Judi Stevens ……Shirley Irby ……..Marilyn Kellner…… Julie Hanson ….Rosi Ware … Noreen Collins ….Lonnie Hensley … Len & Helen Stevens …Shanna Frechette ….Jack Flood….Tanya Leto …..Julia Davis…. Johnny Pollizi ……Bill Schmock ………Carey Moore ….Jo Gerenger ….. Helen Barkut ….Maryann Barth …Bella Rettenwander ….. Cheryl Walchli …..Terri White ….…Mark Huyett …..John Padget  …Marta White …. Anne McKee …Dee Dee and Richard Duecker ….. Jennifer O’Lear …. Paul Politte ……J. S. Traut …. Chuck Selph. ……..Anne Marie Adreani…… . …for all those we have lost during this year and their surviving friends and families ….All those dealing with Illness,  loss, addiction, and despair … Remember, there are many reasons that we pray…not just because people are ill…. I believe that when we send prayers and good vibes to those in need, those prayers mystically meet and surround those being prayed for.  Sometimes we pray for miracles and the impossible ….sometimes we pray to just cope with the results of what happens to those we are praying for.  Sometimes we pray for strength to go on and to accept…sometimes we pray for thanksgiving… especially when prayers are answered.  We are in this thing called ‘Life’ together ….and we all have power within us to help our fellow man.  Bless you for remembering our loved ones….Prayer changes things!  Let me know of anyone who should be added to this list. (Also… whenever I lose something I pray hard to St. Anthony and I usually find what I lost!!!!  Amen and Hallelujah!!!!)

BIRTHDAY/ANNIVERSARY LISTS….If you would like to be included in the Birthday and Anniversary Lists that I send out every month, please let me know your month and day by sending that info to me at  There are special perks to being on the lists!!!!  One of the perks is having your name in KONK Life on the day of your Birthday… and being mentioned in my weekly Blog!

BOB FRECHETTE=FABULOUS REALTOR IN TOWN!!!!…..Contact Bob at 305-304-2584!  Email him at  Honest, Loyal, Fair, and Adorable too!!!  He will have only have YOUR best interests at heart.   

DAILY HAPPY HOUR AT AZUR RESTAURANT … 5-6 PM DAILY….. with $10 Cocktail Menu!!!  Come one and all!!  (We love Drew and  Mike at Azur and all the wait staff….  Their Breakfasts are Legend!!!!  425 Grinnell St. on corner of Fleming! 

THE VOCAL LAB WITH JESSICA WACHS..(former Aqua Idol finalist)……This is open to all aspiring singers, singers seeking new depth, and teaches confidence building and communication skills.   To find out more email Jess at  Private sessions taught Mondays and Tuesdays.  Call Jessica at 505-999-9230.

RALPH DEPALMA’S VOLUME III OF THE SOUL OF KEY WEST…. is now available….120 page book exploring the great Music Scene in Key West…stories of 45 musicians and 193 photo including tributes to Michael McCloud, Shel Silverstein, Ellen Welters Sanchez, and a Centerfold view of Jimmy Buffett & the coral Reefers at the Coffee Butler amphitheater.  For more or to purchase a copy info contact Ralph De Palma at or call 305-394-7001.  

DID YOU KNOW…. that Advanced Urgent Care will be the First Urgent Care to offer MRI in the Marathon 13365 location…charge is $575 without contrast and $675 with contrast…no additional Radiology fees….(compare to $3,000 charge at Monroe County hospitals.  They are the only MRI site doing Breast MRI’s in Monroe County.  You must have an order from a Healthcare provider who MUST get the preauthorization.  For more info go to or call 305-294-0011.    

KW GARDEN SOCIETY IS SEEKING BOARD MEMBERS….The KW Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden is recruiting 5 seats for its Board of Directors.  Applications are now open for consideration wit a three year term starting Jan. 2024.  All are asked to share your expertise or experience.  Send letter of interest to Key West Botanical Garden, 5210 College Rd., Key West, FL 33040 or email Visit the website at

GREAT GALLERIES IN KEY WEST…. There are nearly 30 fabulous Art Galleries in Key West?  All are unique and wonderful in their own ways…. Some of My Very favorites are ….Coco & Salem….Harrison Gallery …Gallery On Greene…. Gingerbread Square….. Key West Art Center & Gallery…. The Studios….Art @830…. Salt….Stone Soup …JAG…and Seven Artists!!!   Go to their websites to find out about shows, events, and openings at these fine galleries.

TENNESSEE WILLIAMS ANNOUNCES REMAINING SHOWS….  On April 19, Executive Managing Artistic Director, Matthew Rawls, presented the exciting new Season at the Theatre….The Encore shows left are…… Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo.  In addition, other announced shows are … One Night of Queen…  If you are interested in becoming part of the Producer’s Circle please contact Matt at the theatre.

NEED A GOOD DENTIST?… I am here to give my dentist, DR. CARTER WEBER, a plug.  He has a brand spanking new state-of-the-art office that has recently opened at 1710 N. Roosevelt Blvd..  Phone is 305-294-9999.  Excellent (and handsome) Dentist…. top notch equipment…and a wonderful and welcoming staff ….Roni Hall…… Open Tuesday thru Friday from 7:30 AM to 3 PM…. Website is

BIRTHDAY/LISTS….If you would like to be included in the Birthday and Anniversary Lists that I out every month, please let me know your month and day by sending that info to me at  There are special perks to being on the lists!!!!  One of the perks is having your name in KONK Life on the day of your Birthday!!! 

MAJ JOHNSON TEACHES WATERCOLOR CLASSES…. once monthly at The Old Stone Church Coffeehouse.  She charges $20. per class and the profits go to charity.  For more info call or text her at 305-587-8455 or email her at  

LONNIE HENSLEY STILL NEEDS YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT…. Lonnie, ….operates the great Classic Car Automotive Shop on Stock Island…..Google Lonnie Hensley gofundme to help. He is now residing at his home on Stock Island.   He told Bob that he is mostly concerned with his poor eyesight right now.  You can send cards and messages to him there or at his Shop at 5324 3rd Ave. Stock Island, FL 33040 and his staff will see that he gets your mail..

SUPPORT SOS………Many Monroe County residents are living below the poverty line.  SOS (Star of the Sea) Kitchens have long been providing food for those in need.   Go to website at or call 305-294-2772.

FRIENDS OF THE KW LIBRARY…Go to to join or renew your membership.  (Thanks to Roberta, Nancy, Megan and all those who are so dedicated to this wonderful institution!)

THE BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY LISTS…….. Please let me know if you would like me to forward you these lists….. Simply send me a request at and I will send you this month’s complete Personality Description plus all those I know who are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries during this special time of year!!!  Also, let me know if you want to be added to it .

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE FLORIDA KEYS…. Contact Kel Bedard at 305-809-4994 (office) or his cell at 985-791-4447…or email him at or the website at  The FLA Keys Volunteer Center is at 300 Southard St., Suite 201, KW.

THE STUDIOS GATHERINGS AT HUGH’S VIEW…Monday and Tuesday…..The Studios is sponsoring these GLOW eves.    Cash bar available.  For more info go to  The GLOW Hours are 6-8 pm on Mondays and Tues.  FREE with advance registration.  533 Eaton St.   

FLAMINGLES IN KEY WEST!  The Butterfly Conservatory in KW has two gorgeous Flamingos, Rhett and Scarlett.  Did you know that this fabulous spot presents After Hours ‘Flamingles’?  Our daughter, Melissa Lang, is employed at the Conservatory and she is one of the presenters of the Flamingles.  Those who want this special process sit quietly in the Gazebo in the Conservatory, and Rhett & Scarlett are brought out of their oasis, and to the Gazebo where they ‘flamingle’ with the people who sit perfectly still… while THEY ‘do their thing’ with each person.  It is great fun and quite an experience.  Think of this as a special gift for someone!  Book early as these have become very popular!

THE TROPIC CINEMA AT 416 EATON ST…. For info on movie schedules  go to   Phone is 305-434-0974.  Go online to reserve your times.   
TROPIC CINEMA SEEKS VOLUNTEERS…..  Training is provided.  ‘Payment’ is free movie passes and popcorn for each shift worked.  

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR REEF RELIEF….For info call 305-294-3100. 

STAR OF THE SEA OUTREACH MISSION NEEDS VOLUNTEERS….To help with the food pantry on Stock Island….This mission serves hundreds of the community’s needy operating Mon-Fri.  Call Donna at 305-407-5967 for info.

SHAL SEEKS VOLUNTEERS…Southernmost Homeless Assistance League has begun serving an evening meal each day at the homeless shelter with food from the Soup Kitchen….Volunteers are needed to help.  For info call John Miller at 502-876-5092.

TENNESSEE WILLIAMS EXHIBIT:…. .513 Truman Ave.   This wonderful Museum is under the auspices of the Key West Art & Historical Society with founder, Dennis Beaver as its curator….Visitors and Locals are invited to tour this preserved and showcased collection of historic, archival objects that promote the importance of Williams’s legacy and offers the largest collection of his memorabilia and artifacts available to the public.   Open daily from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm…. Admission: Adults $7. … Children under 6 Free…. KWAHS Members: Free… For more info call 305-204-4527. Big Thanks to Dennis Beaver and Bert Whitt for their great efforts to make this Museum world class!

KW TROPICAL FOREST & BOTANIC GARDEN, NEEDS VOLUNTEERS….To volunteer please call 305-296-1504.  

801 CLUB…….Famous Drag Shows are at 801 Duval St… every night at 9 or 11 pm.  Book Online….. or call 305-923-9296.  The amazing and internationally known Sushi runs the show with amazing Drag Queens with names like Puddin’, Deja, Mulysa, Marilyn, Racquel, Kylie, Ma Evans, etc.

TAKE STOCK IN CHILDREN ORG. SEEKS VOLUNTEERS…..This marvelous, award winning scholarship program mentoring group is looking for giving souls to help mentor 50 some qualified students from lower income families ….They cannot be admitted unless a volunteer steps forward.  It takes less than an hour each week.  Call Chuck Licis, program coordinator at 305-394-7974 or e-mail him at  Kudo to John Padget for his years of dedication to this worthy cause.  He is an inspiration!

THE WILLIAM WELCH LEGACY….Though Bill is no longer with us,  his beloved sister, Sherrey Welch, is determined to keep Bill’s art and legacy alive through the new website, at   Please forward this info to anyone who may be interested in Bill’s Artwork retrieved from Nantucket, Key West and France. 

CUSTOM HOUSE & LIGHTHOUSE MUSEUMS ARE SEEKING VOLUNTEERS…If you have a few hours to offer as a docent, archives asst., exhibit builder, or event volunteer, please offer your services!


It is hard to ignore the Arian….they have so much personality and vitality, making them the sort of people who like to be noticed!  They hate taking back seat in life and will do anything to prevent it!  They are natural leaders, not followers.  The last thing any Arian wants to do is carry out other people’s orders or be at their beck and call.  They loathe being just one of the crowd, and this attitude doesn’t change as they get older.  They have to be in control of situations and do not like it one bit when it is the other way around.  Life is very black & white for Arians, with no grey area.    They are very idealistic, and always have high expectations that things will turn out well.  They have a burning desire to achieve…have an infectious enthusiasm and an adventurous spirit.  An Arian without a goal is a sad sight, as they are lost without anything to aim for.  They are easy to lose their tempers but it is all over in a flash.  One minute they may be shouting their heads off and the next they have forgotten all about it.  They do have a problem with bluntness…they like to tell it like it is and this sometimes leads to hurt feelings when they go too far and do not realize the impact of their words.  They are outspoken….and if they curb that it would take so much fun out of things!  In love, they dream of fairytale romances…they love the thrill of the chase, often finding it the most exciting part of a relationship….often cooling off when they get what they want.  Their generous spirit and warm personality make them wonderful friends and delightful lovers.  Sex is very important to them and they enjoy a very physical relationship with their partners.  They have the utmost faith and trust in people.  They fall in love easily and invest everything in their lover.  Their hearts are shattered when that partner fails to live up to their expectations.  They have a tendency to put loved ones on a pedestal, thinking they can do no wrong.  All is great while they are on that pedestal but the moment they turn out to be human, the Arian is crushed and let down and in lots of pain.  However, Arians do not learn from their mistakes and often repeat them over and over again!  The best signs for an Aries are Capricorn, Gemini, and Scorpio.  In careers, the Arian cannot be tied down as they are free spirits.  They must have a job with room to breathe.  They hate having a job which requires  them to account for their every action.  They will become bored and frustrated in these situations.  They prefer being self-employed because most Arians have a low opinion of their higher ups.  Their competitive nature makes them natural freelancers…they love coming up with new ideas.  Jobs like engineering, mechanics, the armed services, and sports appeal to Arians.  They are better at dreaming up ideas than in following them.  They cannot live without money…love spending it and are suckers for impulse buys.  They love spending on cars, special bikes, and are attracted to speed and danger.  They are also very generous and spend lots of money on friends and loved ones.  Saving money is not as interesting to an Arian as spending it.  They live for today and not to morrow!!


 Please read the lists below and take time to add their names to your datebooks so you can reach out to them on their special days!!!


3/21…Jerry Downs….Merle Dimbath …..Heidi Golightly …..Marge Sanger…Scott Muir…Luis Vera….Hugh Gallagher …. (Please remember Clifford Nowak and Ted Lacey.)

3/22…Rhett Kalman…Shirley Sullivan…..Rafael Gonzalez…Darold Leto…Christopher Gonzalez…..Judy Kovats

3/23…Kim Gordon…John Sangston ….. Janet Pattillo ….Kevin Barry …..Amy Scalise…Pam Spence…Newt Ruch….(Please remember Jacques Vivien.)

3/24…Mary Borrell ….Chloe Hodgdon….…Susan Powell….. Phyllis May …..Nora Monico….Robin Hansel…….Josh Khalil….Lindsey Hillegas….. Jessy Pojman …..(Please remember Peter Flood and Dennis Wade.)

3/25…Hy Conrad… …..Alice Justavich Kelly ….. Jeanette Partilla …..…. (Remember Rose Frechette and Fran Verral, Doug Stripp … Harry Ruchman… Ted Windt.)

3/26…Jana Krejcirova……Kevin Melloncamp…Emily Maltz…..Judy Pingston…Kenny Chesney…Glenda Rowley …..(Please remember Cameron Murray…. Tennessee Williams. )

3/27…..Ray Baker…..Roger Nelson….Martha Hooten Hattingh …..Carina Borders ….Deborah Goldman…Stephanie Sander….

3/28…Pam Lopez….Evan Haskell…. Pam Bernat….. Pam McKenzie….Jeffrey Woessner…..Daniel Wolpaw….. Vince Vaughn ….(Please remember Kathy Melendy…)

3/29…Brenda Callahan …..Marc Crow…Jennifer Stevens…John Wilson …..Kathy Stevens…Patti Roberts…Laurel Denny…Russell Martin …..(Please remember John Wickes and Stella Winiarski.)

3/30…Carol Burnham…Danny Carter….Bob Bolen…..

3/31…Peggy Malloy Montgomery…..Jeff Egleston….…Yolan Findlay…Michael McMahon..(Please remember Barbara Please Hoffman… and … Donna Stanton.)

4/1…Lee Skillington…Mary Ellen Lapp….Alan Beaubien….Jerry Seeco ….John Smyth….Mary Lou Ferris…Franco Piacibello…David Marshall…Odysseus Juraj Samuel Stranovsky Brown….

4/2…Anne Stevens…..Harry Schroeder….Stephanie Skylar….Terry Jeffers…. (Please remember Beverly Walters )….

4/3….Lee Fettis…..Mabry Binnaker …..Tommy Wilson…Kyle Bennett….Tyler Bennett… …Dee Dee Duecker…April Riedel …..Chris Clifton….(Please remember Morgan Sykes and Stanley Vernovage.)

4/4…Carter Weber…..George Sanders…Jenny Emerson…Billy Piscopo…Brian Taylor…..Suzie Byrd…. Evan Fowls ….(Please take time to remember Kitty Green and Art Gasior!)

4/5…..Lucy Carleton….Gordon Keiser..John Hamilton…Rita Brown Troxel…Bill Melchior…Dora Gholson…Janette Stone…..Peter King…

4/6….George Rutgers…..Sue Forti…(Please take time to remember Larry Harvey and Virginia Molzan.)

4/7….…Christian Monzon…(Please remember Mike Gillis…. Dick Buckheim…Ruth Warmouth…and Bob Brown.)

4/8…Peter Arnow…Claire Caplan …..Jack Eaton….Arlene Machor…. Candice Chase….

4/9…..Jeffrey Harwell…Bill Roberts…Les Dudley…..Barry  Philipson….Bob Scott…Richard Smolik…Pat Creed  Smith

4/10…Donna Barnett…Claude Reams…..Marilyn Maye……Landon Bradbary…Judy Buxton….Janice Gruber… Gregory James ….Renny Stevens…Carol Kiwala…(Please remember Theresa Wise… John Petrone….)

4/11….Rhena Dahlgren… Tim McAlpine ….Tim Mayer …..Bob Pabian ….Michael Popovice….Laurie Jordan Nick…… Matthew Stevens …..Jim Blahnik…West Valentino Internicola.

4/12…J.T.Thompson….Rick Worth…..Dominic Paollilo….Nina Crooks…Kim Schroeder…..Chris Skinner…Matt Zintsmaster…Keidi Ehrgott…(Please remember Sherri Brown.)

4/13…..Annie Miners….Loretta Foreman…Tony Yaniz….Don Bearden…Terry O’Hara ….. Liz Calaway ….

4/14…..Pam Vereb…Iolanda Stashenko….William Trem

4/15…Karen Beauprie…..Judith Daykin ……Wendy Zintsmaster….Gina Maseratti…Lacy Arters…..Gary Helman….(Please remember Kenny Peskett.)

4/16……Valsin Marmillion ….Denise Chelekis ….Brenda Bodner…Marty Siegal …. (Please remember Seward Johnson.)

4/17…..Vincent Zito……Ana Cobo …..Julie Paterson…Richard Vincent…..Claire Melter….Vici Lai….Candace Block…..Phyllis Kaschub …Mike Eppenhart…Les Steele.. Devin Mitchell…..(Please remember Tom Oosterhoudt.)

4/18….Heather- Mae Potter Sloan…Gayle Miller…Dawn Holland …..Chuck Walter …. Amy Sidoroff….(Please remember Chip Allen.)

4/19….Jim Salem….Walter Schmida…..Casey Internicola…..Jackie O’Neil… Jennifer Pace ….(Please remember Michael Lefferts.)

4/20…..Amy Laura Bondurant ….Robert Spottswood…Jane R. Carper……Steve Miller…..Sheri Lohr….Dillon Feldman …..Mia Maschal …. Emma Maschal ……Christy Ryan Mack…Audrey Pollizi…..(Please remember Mark Barauck….Bob Esty…..and Marie Knox.)


3/21…..Pat & Dave Livesay…….

3/22….Roger & Nancy Nelson……..

3/23… Amy Bondurant & David Dunn

3/24…Amy & Wayne Cleveland 

3/26…..Bonnie Piceu & Paul Dietz

3/27….Emily Maltz & Jean-Michel Atigaud

3/31….Mary Borrell & Eugene Knudsen

4/5….Craig & Patti Roberts….

4/6…..Linda Curtis & Tim Skoh…

4/7…..Dick Norford and Kay Fullen…..Carolyn & Bob Scott

4/10… Please remember Phil & Josephine Ricca.

4/11…..Nancy Moulton & Diana Davis

4/12…..Patti and Carl McMackin…and…… Juan Pisani & Val Marmillion ….

4/13… Helen Walker and Leo Waters…

4/18…Amanda & Daniel Garcia

4/19……..Ric Dery and Tandin Bugub

4/20…..Trina & Jens  Nielsen…..Eric & Julie Johnston…..

 If you are one of those fascinating Ariens described above, please let me know if the description pertains to you in any way.  If you are a reader of mine, and would like to be added to the Birthday/Anniversary Lists, please let me know by e-mailing me at and I will be glad to put you on the list.  The whole purpose is so that those reading it may see some one they know and then reach out to them on their special days….a nice and easy way to build community and spread love and joy to those we know.  Just send me the month & day of your birthday or anniversary if applies, and you will be added.  Love, and Happy Birthday and Anniversary to all our Arien friends and family members!!!!    Lynda

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