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  1. October 12, 2009

    It’s free and it happens every night. Every time I come back I see something different. It’s a great way to start the Duval crawl with friends.

  2. February 9, 2015

    Thanks Will Soto, it’s been a good run.


Key West Sunset Celebration

The Key West Cultural Preservation Society, Inc. was established in 1984. It is a not for profit corporation established to support the arts. The main function of the organization is to manage Sunset Celebration, Key West's premiere nightly arts festival. The CPS leases Mallory Square Dock from the City of Key West, Florida for four hours nightly and in turn rents space to artisans. The CPS Mission is to: 1) Preserve the spirit of the Mallory Square Sunset Celebration, its history, tradition, and reality. 2) Promote art as a cottage industry, by educating government officials and the public regarding the importance of art in the local economy. 3) Stimulate greater governmental and public awareness and appreciation of the importance of artistic and cultural activities to the people·of Monroe County. 4) Create documentation of Monroe County artistic and cultural activities for the education of the community. 5) Encourage the use of public land for artistic and cultural purposes which would benefit the community as a whole by enriching the cultural experience of the citizens. 6) Support and implement the preservation and growth of the county's artistic and cultural activities. 7) Secure a permanent location and funding for a Culture Center which will serve as a training center, workplace, and exhibition site for local artists. 8) Encourage the formation of schools and training facilities for the arts in Key West. 9) Provide funds for the legal defense of artists who are illegally arrested in the course of their profession. 10) Participate in locally organized cultural events. 11) Organize and sponsor such activities as exhibitions and lectures. 12) Encourage and implement opportunities for Monroe County residents to participate in artistic and cultural activities.

  • Key West Sunset Celebration
  • Mallory Square
  • Key West, FL 33040
  • 305-292-7700

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