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Key West Scuba Diving
Vandenberg Wreck Diving

The Gen. Hoyt S.Vandenberg was sunk 10:24 Am, May 27, 2009 just off Key West Florida and became the largest artificial reef in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, and is the second largest artificial reef in the world. The ship settled in an upright position along her keel in only 1 minute 44 seconds, this was exactly as predicted by the many tank tests that were performed to design the sink plan. Immediately, marine life began colonizing and the ship wreck is now home to pelagic and numerous reef fish, plus many other species of marine plants and animals.

Once on the bottom, the Vandenberg is 10 stories high with the keel being the deepest, at 140 feet. The top most features of the ship are 40 to 50 feet below the surface.

The Vandenberg sinking has been a boom to Key West scuba divers because the wreck is so close to shore and is easily reachable by both private boat and dive charters.

The following is a list of dive centers in the Key West Area.

Bonsai Diving, 1075 Duval St…..(305) 294-2921
Captain’s Corner, 125 Ann St…..(305) 296-8918
Dive Key West Inc, 3128 N Roosevelt Blvd…..(305) 296-3823
Diving Key West…..(305) 433-7535
Key West Diving Society, 951 Caroline…..(305) 292-3221
SeaBreeze Reef Raiders, 617 Front St…..(305) 295-8748
Southpoint Divers   714 Duval St…..(305) 292-9778
SubTropic Dive Center, 1605 N Roosevelt Blvd…..(305) 296-9914
Wild About Dolphins…..(305) 294-5026

Equipment Supplies –
Divers Direct, 535 Greene St…..(305) 293-5122

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